How to Fix the Work Environment in Big Companies

Tobias Kaufmann
3 min readAug 16, 2019

Big companies are getting decreasingly attractive to young graduates and employees. Instead, a lot of people tend to work in smaller businesses, even though the salaries are sometimes worse. In this article I don’t wanna compare big and small companies and find out what is better, instead I’ll focus on the flaws in the working environments of todays big corporates and point out some approaches to fix them.

Flat Hierarchies

Let’s start with hierarchies and bureaucracy, problems that big companies seem to struggle a lot. A lot of different hierarchy stages may bind employees to the company for longer (long term careers, fancy titles etc.), but it makes everything so much more complicated. The amount of bureaucracy is insane, everything has to get approved by everyone and in addition to that, there is always someone who takes advantage of the fact that his/her title is located a step higher on the hierarchy ladder (e.g. representing a contrary position as everyone else while not contributing to the overall productivity of a certain team/project group).

A flat hierarchy could further improve productivity by letting people work on the same level. Reviewing and oversight should be done by leaders, not by people with fancy titles that in reality don’t bring valuable input. To which extend companies realize…

