Printing in the new office with Kyocera

Toby Bridgham
2 min readNov 22, 2019


We were moving offices, we had defined our desired outcome and our strategy, and we had started on our phone system, desk setup and audio-visual, the latter being the 2nd best part of the new office.

So what was the number 1 solution installed at Bracken House, as voted for by a single member of Editorial? Kyocera’s new printers. For a media organisation that has an obvious need to proof content before committing it, print is an essential requirement. So, whilst maybe not the most extensive of surveys, hearing that it was a success, after committing to replacing the previous supplier, was reassuring and pleasing to hear. It also shows that, once again, its not always the most cutting-edge or technically advanced solutions that have the greatest impact.

This is not to say what we did in this area was not forwarding think though. Once again we reverted to our outcomes to lead us; supporting agility, cloud-only and Google integrated. We achieved these through Kyocera’s impressive range of printers. We moved from direct printing to pull/secure printing, meaning that wherever anyone was in the building, once printed their job would be held, allowing them to walk up to any printer and pull down their prints. This capability has been around for years, but it was new to the FT. People could work anywhere, but be reassured that documents wouldn’t end up in random locations. It also has saved us money on incorrect prints.

We achieved the cloud-only outcome by having Kyocera hosting everything on their infrastructure, in the cloud. This did feel like we were pushing the limits in regards to what was possible. Now every job, irrespective of size, would head out over the external network to be held by Kyocera, before the job was pulled down on request. Patience is limited in a world where people want everything immediately, so we had to get the solution right to ensure we didn’t take a step backwards in regards to expectation. We achieved that. Considering that we have file sizes over several gigabytes, that is a significant accomplishment.

Finally, as with all the new solutions, it needed to integrate with Google print. We also achieved this, with Google Cloud Print setup, along with the ability to print from and scan to Google Drive.

Tick, tick, tick.

Up next: Oh yeh, and then we moved some people

