Yokai NFTs : Decentralization powered on Fantom.

4 min readOct 16, 2021


Yokai is the first NFT project where mystic entities (called “Yokai’s”) are randomly generated and rendered directly on Fantom (on-chain) with the most advanced visuals and features — 8,753 pieces and +100 Billions of possibilities! This is not only an innovative collection, but your access to our our growing Ecosystem with an ambitous and folkloric Universe !

_Fantom Blockchain and Art Decentralization.

YokaiChain create NFTs and all its features on-chain. It means we use a lot of ressources from the Layer 1. So we needed an environement with fast and low fees transactions. Thanks to Fantom we are able to bring life to the most advanced SVGs visuals ever created on any Blockchains !!
Moreover, it’ll allow us to bring 100% on-chain interactive/gamified experiences, wich is another step in revolutionizing NFTs approach.

Fantom really brings Decentralized Art to the next level.
And we are pretty confident that every NFT collectors will look for this technology in the near future. We are early.

On Ethereum generating a Yokai would cost over 0.02 ETH (~90$) in gas fees, and for deploying SmartContracts, more than 1 ETH.
With Fantom any process is under 1$.

_Quick Dive In the Technology

1/On-Chain Decentralization.

The first point, and the most important, is decentralization. Most projects have a tokenURI that points to a JSON that is somewhere. "Somewhere" is often a server, which can be problematic if it goes down.

Yokai’s Metadata is retrieved by the smart contract. It will return the JSON file with the name, description, attributes and the SVG code.
Yokai’s are not just stored on Fantom, but also generated and rendered
fully on-chain.
Another key point to understand is : as long as you didn’t click the Mint button, your Yokai doesn’t exist anywhere, and is only created once you accept the transaction. — Decentralization-

99% NFT Projects have their collectibles already pre-generated, even those categorized as “randomly generated”.

Once smart contract are deployed, no more interections with it are possible, meaning that, your Art (Yokai’s) are untouchable, unviolable, and will exist as long as Fantom Blockchain is running.


2/ SVGs and Advanced Visuals.

SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. This means that they can be searched, indexed, scripted, and compressed, and can be scaled in any size without loss of quality.
Basically, your NFT can go over the 4k resolution. And even animated !

Since SVGs are text, we can import them directly into smart contracts !

To deliver the best visuals, we carefuly designed and optimized the SVGs code and all the Items combinations, to keep Items size under 24kb.
We used a unique system of smart contracts libraries ! to gather all the data, and create a single one contract that brings life to your amazing Yokai !


3/ Probabilities / Provaby Rare

Your Yokai has 10 random characteristics assigned on-chain, in the most immuable way :

Body (4)
Hair (18)
Eyes (22)
Eyebrows (22)
Nose (8)
Mouth (18)
Marks (22)
Earrings (15)
Accessory (16)
Mask (20)

More than 100 billions possible combinations! (that’s a lot)
But every item comes with its own probability… For example, you’ll have 0.001% chance to mint a Yokai with the “???” Mask (rarest).

4/ Backgrounds & Rarity Scores.

Probably the most exciting thing about collecting NFTs is to know if you got a rare or not, and comparing this other collectors.
That’s why we introduced a innovative system of “Backgrounds ” so you can spot the rarity of your Yokai, at the first glance !

Every Yokai’s receive a rarity score, indicated by 8 different backgrounds levels. ALL Ranked on a dedicated Leaderboard.

How does scores works ?
They are calculated from each items probalities, with an algorythm that will attibute the rarity score, then exported in the JSON, so we can rank them all !

We also want to point that, rarity can be interpreted in many different way.
A simple example is Items combinations, if you got a Yokai with perfect matching colors or set, it’s likely to be rare !

5/ Passive Incomes, Rewards

Distributed to Yokai’s holders (claim per Yokai ):

  • 8% of every single benefits generated by the Ecosytem, forever.
  • 48% benefits from the Yokai’s Second Edition.

You’ll be able to claim your rewards on the Website, you earn a pourcentage for each Yokai you own. The more you own Yokai’s the more rewards will be allocated to your address !


