Every Time Spider-Man And Venom Had A Fight

4 min readSep 15, 2022

Few villains have caused Spider-Man as many problems throughout the years as Venom, despite having a large gallery of them. Which of these spider-themed characters has emerged victorious from their protracted history of conflicting against the other innumerable times throughout countless storylines?

Before Eddie Brock became the Venom symbiote’s host, Spider-Man donned the symbiote for a period.

Spider-Man discovered it during the Secret Wars narrative and utilized it as a new outfit. Spider-Man wore the black outfit on Earth long after Secret Wars’ events were over.

Why not, when the new suit gave him unlimited access to stronger webbing and improved all of his skills? The symbiote was removed by Spider-Man and given to the care of the Fantastic Four after he realized the suit was a real live, breathing, sentient being that was making him more hostile the longer he wore it.

Unfortunately, not even Marvel’s First Familywase able to keep things under control for very long. Venom makes his debut in The Amazing Spider-Man #300 after the symbiote eventually broke free and joined forces with Eddie Brock.

Because the symbiote spent so much time with Spider-Man as its host, it was able to imitate all of his skills, which is why Venom has all of the same talents as Spider-Man, only more potent.

Accordingly, Venom is not only much more cruel than the web-slinger, but also stronger and faster. The user is well hidden by the symbiote, which may likewise blend in with its environment.

Venom’s greatest benefit, though, is that Peter’s spider-sense, which typically alerts him to impending danger, cannot pick him up.

Eddie Brock pulled Peter in front of a train without invoking his spider sense, which was the first time this was shown in Web of Spider-Man #18, which is where it initially appeared.

However, Peter managed to live, and in spite of Venom’s physical strength, he has consistently managed to win his battles with Venom. So how does he accomplish that?

Venom may be faster and stronger than Spider-Man, but Spider-Man still has one significant advantage over Venom: intelligence. Spider-Man has used Venom’s tendency to be too aggressive to draw him into traps.

Peter Parker has successfully used fire and powerful sound waves to fight the symbiote numerous times. Venom’s unusual anatomy also renders him susceptible to these threats.

In addition, when Brock and the symbiote are together, both are virtually weak, but Spider-abilities Man’s are inherent. Spider-Man used this strategy to defeat Venom the first time; he persuaded the symbiote to leave Brock and come back to him only to trap it as soon as it left its host.

However, there are occasions when intelligence is insufficient, which brings us to Spidey’s other benefit: his allies.

Spider-Man has an abundance of superhuman allies; the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and even Superman have all before assisted Peter in defeating Venom. His opponents truly don’t stand a chance with buddies like them.

Even though Spider-Man has prevailed over Venom most of the time, the battles have always been quite close, and some may contend that using the Avengers is essentially cheating.

Given that Spider-Man had to pose as dead in order to escape Venom in The Amazing Spider-Man #347, it is safe to assume that even Peter is aware of how unlikely it is for him to defeat Venom head-on.

Fortunately, Venom has evolved into more of an anti-hero lately, so Spider-Man is more inclined to use him as an ally than an adversary.

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