Time for Developing Palaung Region in Myanmar (Burma)

2 min readOct 14, 2016


The saying, “Mango is the best of all fruits, Pork is the best of all meal and Tea is the best of all leaves”, here and Palaung tea is the best in the region since long time ago or I should say since Bagan period. So, it is the traditional tea of the region. Tea production is the main economic activity of Palaung Region.

Field of Tea Tree in Palaung Region Myanmar

Now, because of under-developed technology of food processing compared to others, Palaung tea market has to give up its market share to Chinese produced tea and other imported tea. It is essential to protect the market share, and at the same time, to develop the Palaung community. To do that, foreign and local support for the region is needed since there is huge technology lag in the region.

It is essential to produce high quality tea according to international standards to expand the market. Therefore, exposure of outside tea industry is needed for the local producers and of course, support. The economy of the region will also have over spill effect on status of social in the region. By developing the tea industry of the region, it might as well develop the social situation of the economy. To make sure of that, standardization of tea production must jump in. Tea production business must follow the standards set out by FDA and international standard (ISO 26000).

For socioeconomic of the region, it is heartbreaking to see there is poor health and education facilities, and becoming crosscutting issues, that is why Palaung Tea Growers and Sellers Association was formed to take part in these development process. The association must return the flavor of the community and to make sure that the businesses & UN/NGOs look out for the community setting our CSR programs to develop community, rules and regulation to protect the tea industry. Developing technology, communication, transportation and exposure of outside industry, Palaung tea can be able to regain the market and at the same time, develop the Palaung Region. It is time to jump step forward for developing the region and market.

Image credits to OurGlobalTrek

I know for sure one day everyone will be ordering and buying “Palaung rea” everywhere.




Written by TodayMyanmar

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