5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

Book Maelstrom
5 min readOct 30, 2023


5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

Virginia Woolf, a pioneering figure in modernist literature, is known for her innovative narrative techniques and exploration of the inner lives of her characters.

Her works continue to be celebrated for their literary experimentation and deep psychological insight.

Hermione Lee, a renowned biographer and literary scholar, has provided her recommendations for the top Virginia Woolf books.

Here are five of the best Virginia Woolf books to explore

1. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

“To the Lighthouse” is perhaps Virginia Woolf’s most iconic novel.

This masterpiece takes readers on a journey to the Isle of Skye, where the Ramsay family grapples with the complexities of life, the passage of time, and the nature of human experience.

Woolf’s stream-of-consciousness narrative and rich character development make this novel a must-read for anyone exploring her work.

My favorite quotes from To the Lighthouse

“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”

“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees
and changing leaves.”

2. The Years by Virginia Woolf

5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

“The Years” is a semi-autobiographical novel that spans several decades, providing a comprehensive portrait of English society in the early 20th century.

Woolf explores the themes of time, memory, and the shifting dynamics of a changing world.

This novel showcases her narrative prowess and deep understanding of the human condition.

My favorite quotes from The Years

“There must be another life, she thought, sinking back into her chair, exasperated. Not in dreams; but here and now, in this room, with living people. She felt as if she were standing on the edge of a precipice with her hair blown back; she was about to grasp something that just evaded her. There must be another life, here and now, she repeated. This is too short, too broken. We know nothing, even about ourselves.”

“But why do I notice everything? She thought. Why must I think? She did not want to think. She wanted to force her mind to become a blank and lie back, and accept quietly, tolerantly, whatever came.”

3. Walter Sickert: A Conversation by Virginia Woolf

5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

In “Walter Sickert: A Conversation,” Virginia Woolf presents her perspective on the artist Walter Sickert.

This unique work combines biography and fictional conversation, offering insights into Woolf’s thoughts on art, creativity, and the artistic process.

It’s a book that sheds light on Woolf’s views on the world of art.

My favorite quote from Walter Sickert: A Conversation

“The novelist is always saying to himself how can I bring the sun on to my page? How can I show the sun and the moon rising? And he must often think that to describe a scene is the worst way to show it. It must be done with one word, or with one word in skilful contrast with another. […] They both speak at once, striking two notes to make one chord, stimulating the eye of the mind and of the body “

4.On Being Ill by Virginia Woolf

5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

“On Being Ill” is a thought-provoking essay in which Virginia Woolf explores the experience of illness and its profound impact on creativity and consciousness.

Woolf delves into the relationship between physical well-being and the act of writing, providing a unique perspective on the human condition and its intersection with creativity.

My favorite quotes from On Being Ill

“We do not know our own souls, let alone the souls of others. Human beings do not go hand in hand the whole stretch of the way. There is a virgin forest in each; a snowfield where even the print of birds’ feet is unknown. Here we go alone, and like it better so. Always to have sympathy, always to be accompanied, always to be understood would be intolerable.”

“Illness is a part of every human being’s experience. It enhances our perceptions and reduces self-consciousness. It is the great confessional; things are said, truths are blurted out which health conceals.”

5. Selected Diaries by Virginia Woolf

5 Best Virginia Woolf Books Recommended by Hermione Lee

For an intimate glimpse into Virginia Woolf’s daily life, personal reflections, and the development of her literary works, “Selected Diaries” is an invaluable read.

This collection of Woolf’s diaries offers readers a curated selection of her personal writings, allowing them to delve into the mind of this literary genius and witness the genesis of her creative output.

My favorite quotes from Selected Diaries

“Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I’m never not thinking of you.”

“Distorted realities have always been my cup of tea.”

“The future is dark, which is on the whole, the best thing a future can be, I think.”

In conclusion, Hermione Lee’s recommendations offer a selection of Virginia Woolf’s works that provide insight into her creative genius, her exploration of the human psyche, and her thoughts on art and illness. These books are an excellent starting point for those interested in the writings of Virginia Woolf and her contributions to the world of literature. Happy reading!

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