Behind Mickey Sumner’s ‘Kickass, Badass’ Snowpiercer Character

Todays news world
2 min readMar 10, 2021


Behind Mickey Sumner's 'Kickass, Badass' Snowpiercer Character

When Mickey Sumner stepped foot back on the Snowpiercer set in October 2020, seven months after the production of the show had been shuttered due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was with a mix of fear and excitement.
Prior to the lockdown in spring, eight episodes of the second season had been filmed and work had just started on the final two episodes when, in a shift that felt ripped straight out of the post-apocalyptic series, the entire world came to an abrupt, gear-grinding halt.

“We had started episodes nine and ten, but we had just never completed them. So then in October, we came back for two weeks and finished the season,” she tells MTV News over the phone from her home in British Columbia. The 37-year-old actress, known for her spellbinding performances in Frances Ha and Low Winter Sun, is currently on day nine or 10 — she’s not entirely sure — of quarantine before she begins filming the third season of Snowpiercer, which was renewed before the previous installment could air. Despite living in isolation, she’s not lonely or bored because her 4-year-old son keeps her on her toes. Nonetheless, Sumner was excited to return to set, in part because leaving the season unfinished “had been kind of hanging over us all.”


