Todd SchillerinMOKA Analytics EngineeringBecome a 10x debugger using scienceHave you ever been stumped by a bug? Overwhelmed? Did it take hours, days, or weeks to solve? How did you finally manage to get yourself…Jan 2, 2019Jan 2, 2019
Todd SchillerinMOKA Analytics EngineeringJupyter Notebook: Using PuLP and Optimization for Macro Capacity PlanningLast week, we gave a talk at the NYC Python Meetup on how MOKA uses PuLP and linear optimization for macro capacity planning in the…Dec 4, 2018Dec 4, 2018
Todd SchillerinMOKA Analytics EngineeringWe’re co-sponsoring the NYC UX + Data meetup next Tuesday (12/4). 29, 2018Nov 29, 2018