How to Use Agile to Deliver Customer Success

Todd Eby
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2017


Agile Customer Success Backlog

It’s no secret that Agile has been put to great use by your product and engineering teams. It’s a tried and true methodology; but did you know that it can also be used to deliver an amazing Customer Success strategy?

My Experience

About 12 years ago, I joined a strategic and seemingly straightforward initiative to build the next “thing” that our customers wanted.

As a part of our research we spoke with a number of our largest prospective customers. Each conversation held a common theme: Our prospects were not looking for an augmentation of our existing offering. They wanted a completely new way to interact with their customers.

We weren’t prepared for that.

To deliver what our customers told us they wanted, we were going to have to do far more than we originally planned. We knew that with a small team and a big problem, we were going to have to approach things in a highly targeted fashion.

We tested the Agile methodology, and it worked!

The Agile Difference

With the team using a targeted and disciplined project plan, we were amazed at what we accomplished:

  • All our requirements were documented. Even better, we had them organized and broken down…



Todd Eby

Successful Customers = Successful Company — Founder of