How to Protect Your peace

6 min readDec 4, 2017


Only Peaceful people Allowed

There comes a time in your life where you have to make a conscious decision to protect your peace. Before you step into 2018, be sure to cancel your subscriptions to other people’s drama and negativity. Release Them. And Move to your inner peace. Inner Peace begins at the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. It’s time to to take flight to your inner peace and join the peace club.

First Rule of the Peace Club: Protect Your Peace

Read it, speak it. Repeat it!!!!

Some people are peace stealers. They always have problems, always need your help, and are always in crisis mode. They expect you to come running, to cheer them up, to keep them encouraged. And if you don’t, they make you feel guilty. You love them, but they continually dump their problems on you.

Often, we encounter these energy draining sources that leave us feeling depleted, but we hesitate to directly confront the situation. If we don’t think about it too much, it couldn’t possibly hurt us. Right?

The most difficult to come face to face with are the ones that are rooted in family ties or other similar situations. Family obligations, workplace relations, “Day One” friendships, and long-term relationships, are the number one killers of YOUR own vibe.

The world can be a frustrating place to navigate on a daily basis. For many of us, the frustration is heightened by the draining effects that you may experience after a long day. It might be the case that as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, you immediately have a feeling of doom. Are you worried about the inevitable reality of who and what you will have to encounter just to get through your day? What does peace mean for you, and how is it being threatened?

Stop it before it starts!!!







How do we maintain that pep in our step and excitement about our creative endeavors when the world is seemingly crumbling around us?

I am a champion of self-care and preservation, but I am also a firm believer that we need to be aware of what’s going on around us. So, no — boycotting all forms of media is not the solution. Knowledge prompts change. And the world needs a whole lot of change.

IT’S TIME to build a bubble. Create a safe place. It’s a place where joy is endless. There is no place for guilt or shame in your bubble.

It’s like a tree house or a tent of endless hoy and imagination, where you can choose who is allowed to enter. You can also choose which thoughts are allowed.

You have to be sober in your conscious decision to not let everyone or anyone enter your safe place. You can create protection or energy zones where you willing to give some room for collaboration and coexistence. But not everyone’s energy or intention is the same as yours so you can’t allow them to steal your joy or violate your inner peace. Here’s a few ways to do it:

Build a Sanctuary at Home aka Design Your Place of Peace

Section off a tiny area in your home and fill it with things that make you happy. Those things could be candles, flowers, books, pillows, affirmations, and anything that stimulates your senses. This is Peace Area. Like Your Arena to protect your peace.

The area doesn’t have to be tiny. However, I find it interesting to create a sense of being inside a cocoon. It feels warm and cozy. But, it’s up to you. You may prefer having loads of space to roam around.

You know that feeling you get when you’re cuddled up on the couch, wearing your favorite sweater with a hot cup of tea? That’s exactly what we’re trying to reproduce.

Get comfortable. In this space, wear your most comfortable gear or nothing at all. But most of all PROTECT YOUR PEACE.


The work day is the most brutal and challenging of your peace. Whether it’s a working culture or coworkers, your inner peace may take a hit from these interactions and you have to be honest with yourself what that looks like and how to overcome it.

Unfortunately we don’t always get to decide who to wok with, who is our neighbor or who is someone or something we would like to be around so it’s in those moments that you have to aspire most to protect your peace by listening when you feel like you’re not being heard by saying less or doing less so you can observe more or by simply taking a moment to reflect or a moment of silent meditation to rediscover your peace.

Set a peace schedule with yourself throughout your day to reaffirm your peace. Set aside 5 minutes( i prefer meditation)every few hours to allow yourself room to exhale whatever distractions have take you from your peace.

I have literally had various panic attacks, a few heart attacks and 2 strokes by not allowing myself to return to my peace and immersing myself in toxic relationships which led to my breakdowns thinking to myself I’ll just push through it” and in fact I hurt myself and others( who didn’t realize they were hurting my peace)because I could sense my peace slipping away.

My best work is when I am near light, listening to smooth jazz and writing or some near variation of that sequence like hiking during early sunlight, cardio in the gym with my mindset playlist or the latest trip to Whole Foods for a mentor session with a business advisor and also to get my greens( eat green, eat clean).

There are so many other ways that I would like to share that i wil share on my journey but the key is PROTECT YOUR PEACE. KNOW WHEN YOUR PEACE IS BEING CHALLENGED. Be an advocate of a peaceful breakthrough and not a contributor of peace breakdown. We are at war with our conscious almost form the second we wake until we find our REST( AKA PEACE).

Its Time:

Log Off Social Media For A Bit

Know Your Triggers

Stop Being So Easily Offended

Start Thinking That You Are Already Living In Peace

Never Be Afraid To Take A break or Change an Environment

time to discover you

Todd Social is a conscious contributor towards things that empower people and energizes their passion to discover their purpose. His goal is to enlighten a dark world with social conscious and help design a conscious legacy. Discover is musings and conscious collaboration on the Conscious Marketing Podcast and the various social networks…..Stay Conscious




Status quo objector, social disruptor. Analyst, researcher, speaker, and one day a teacher. On a journey to deliver your brand message.