Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony and The Menendez Brothers

Todd Jacobucci
3 min readMar 19, 2018


As a true crime fan, I have taken a good study of these three cases. There has been several programs over the last couple of years regarding these cases which I’ve seen. A + E had the 6 part docu-series “The Murder of Laci Peterson”. HLN had two-part “How it Really Happened” programs on each case. NBC aired the eight-part “Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders” miniseries. But certainly, you can only learn so much from a television program. You really have to study to formulate a good opinion of what the truth is. As I said, I did take a good study. Whats interesting about these three cases is you can make arguments either way. Were they guilty? Were they innocent? Or, as in the Menendez case, were they innocent victims of parental abuse?? I’ll provide my take on all three cases here.

Scott Peterson: To coin the exact opposite phrase of his attorney Mark Geragos — Stone Cold Guilty. He killed that poor woman and poor unborn child. Why?? Very simple. First of all he didn’t want to be married, he wanted to be a player. That’s all fine and dandy but why not just get divorced? Simple there, too — he didn’t want to be saddled with child support. The only way to get rid of both of his problems was to anchor Laci up and drop her to the bottom of San Francisco Bay. I think the only thing that surprised me about Scott Peterson was how exasperatingly stupid he was. Even while knowing he is being watched he continues to call his “girlfriend” Amber Frey. He makes several trips to the bay while the police are there. He saddles his car up with everything he needs to run (not to mention over 10 grand in cash) and then stays put. I seriously think Peterson was so dumb that Geragos could have considered an insanity plea. I’m just glad he was found guilty. There is no doubt he did what he was accused of.

Casey Anthony: An enormous miscarriage of justice. I suppose you would have to give her attorney credit for getting her off. Or, you could surmise she’s innocent. Personally, I have no doubt whatsoever — she killed her poor daughter Caylee. Casey Anthony struck me as one of the most creative and gifted pathological liars I’ve ever come across. In addition, for lack of a better word, she’s a jerk. Casey is an incredibly unpleasant human being. She ended up walking and I believe that’s a tragedy, but in reality — she is in her own jail cell. She’ll never have a life. She’ll never have anything. I think most people feel as I do (that she was guilty), so Casey Anthony will continue to walk this Earth as the most hated Mother alive. Not as bad as life in prison (which is what she should’ve gotten) but certainly an awful existence either way.

The Menendez brothers: Speaking of creative and gifted pathological liars — these guys qualify. The Law and Order mini-series tended to paint them as victims. I believe they were victims in a sense. In the sense that yes, they had a Father that was very rough on them and a pretty much absentee mother. But the sexual abuse??? Absolute nonsense. All you have to do is look at the actual footage of them at their first courtroom hearing. They appear so cocky and arrogant it’s obvious that the meek “We were abused” personas they adopted three years later for the trial itself were complete acts. They killed their parents for one reason and one reason only, money. Prosecutor Pam Bozanich had the correct theory IMO. The parents were fed up with both of them and were going to cut them off. The timing of the murders coincides perfectly with that theory. As with Scott Peterson, I’m glad they didn’t walk.

And there you have it, three very well known true crime cases. I’ve laid out what I believe — does anyone think differently?????



Todd Jacobucci

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