Real Estate 101

Todd & Erica McKee, Realtors
3 min readAug 25, 2017


This is my first blog, so I apologize in advance if it becomes a bit disjointed. I do plan on focusing on the buyer and seller side of real estate in the future

So today, I was going to blog about the ins and outs of buying a home. As the day went on, I realized I’d rather show you a little bit of insight on what we do as realtors. I can’t speak for all agents, but this is our life.

I guess I should back up just a bit! My name is Todd McKee. My wife, Erica and I are both realtors. Before you ask, it’s not as much like the show Santa Clarita Diet as you might think (although my middle daughter does bear a striking resemblance to a young Drew Barrymore, but I digress).

There is a common misconception about what we do, it seems. Believe it or not, there’s so more to it than just putting up signs, getting free lunch, and collecting huge commission checks. There is much more awesomeness involved in it. You see, we get to live the dream with people every day. We get to help people with the single most important purchase they will ever make. To see the look on someone’s face when you hand them their keys to their home is amazing!

Yes. What we do is so much more. We are educators. We are advice givers. And more often than not, we are therapists. We live each and every transaction we do. I tell all my clients that once I’m in their life, their life is crazy until they sign in the dotted line.

We take what we do very seriously, while keeping it as stress free and light hearted as possible. We are the ones that people look to for recommendations on everything from contractors, to lawyers to lenders. Sometimes, we are painters, movers, and even grocery shoppers for our clients. Our clients truly become part of our family.

Sometimes our job is to tell you that buying a home isn’t the right decision for you. Believe it or not, that is sometimes just as rewarding. When you are fully trusted, you have done your job right.

It is the most rewarding career I’ve ever had, without question. I thank God every day that this is the path He currently has us on. I’m thankful for the support of my family and friends, because this is definitely a lifestyle. I’m thankful for the church that I’m plugged in to and my pastor who always gives wisdom and support through both his Sunday messages and personal support he gives us.

Yes. This career is so much more.

If you have any questions about real estate, please feel free to find me or my wife Erica (pictured above painting so the loan would ho through) on Facebook or Twitter and message either one of us. We are all about helping people out, so you can feel comfortable with the whole process.

Thanks for the read, and God Bless!

