Brain Injury Transforms Prominent Attorney into Impassioned Artist — Patrick Fagerberg

Todd Nevins
3 min readApr 11, 2017


Patrick Fagerberg and he was making national headlines as a hired gun, hotshot defense attorney and he had his personal and professional life going full throttle but one evening in 2011 it all came to an abrupt stop due to a fluke accident and a life altering brain injury.

A night in March, 2011 he was attending a concert in Austin Texas and was standing a few feet in front of the stage when a 400 pound camera boom came crashing into the crowd and it hit him right on the top of the head. His law career was ended and who he was as a person up to that moment was gone. As he describes it, that Patrick died.

“It felt like the entire building fell on me.”

He suffered an extensive brain injury but in the process developed what doctors call savant syndrome where people acquire savant like skills in art, music and/or mathematics.

Podcast episode #44 — Patrick Fagerberg, alive and an Artist

Patrick went through extensive rehab to reclaim his life and in the process, developed the ability and passion to paint and paint he did. He voraciously learned a lifetime of art education and experience in the years that followed and his passion for his art and the owner of an art gallery in Houston Texas ended up saving his life.

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In this episode we discuss…

His life as a defense attorney in Austin and switching spots with a women at the concert minutes before the camera boom fell.

Going home 6 hours after the accident thankful that his neck wasn’t broken but 1 day later not being able to form sentences.

“Oh shit, I’m in trouble. My fucking brain is not working.”

Realizing that his brain use to have superhighways running through it to process information but now it has small roads with detours and some roads are closed. The whole processing is different.

Him realizing that he had acquired a skill and passion for painting.

Patrick didn’t just acquire the skill of painting though. He acquired the passion for it that consumed his life for years. He learned a lifetime of the art of painting in a few short years and the results landed him at the Gremillion Fine Art Gallery in Houston.

Patrick explains how his newfound passion for art and Ron Gremillion, Founder of Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, literally saved his life and it started with this statement:

“Patrick, that painting is perfect. I’ve said that 4 times in my 40 year career.” — Ron Gremillion

Patrick’s journey is one of horrible tragedy and a second chance at life through his perseverance and talent.

Show Notes

Patrick’s site with his works of art:

On Facebook: @PFagerberg

Vimeo Video: Embracing the Sublime

Gremillion & Co. Fine Art in Houston, TX

Thank you to Matt Lankes of Matt Lankes Photography for the introduction to Patrick.

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Editing and production by:

Mic used on the Go Hunt Life podcast: Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone

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