Many Shades of Green

Finding Peace in the great outdoors

Alice K
3 min readAug 31, 2021
Forest with lots of green trees and plants.
So much green. Photo by author.

The first time I took my daughters on a day trip through the Columbia Gorge I was amazed by the many shades of green. It was spring time and everything was lush and full of life.

I am still amazed by the vibrant beauty that surrounds me. Hiking in the pacific northwest never gets old. When I am out in the woods I am at peace. The serenity of nature and some mild exertion refresh my mind and body.

Green forest with a creek running through it.
Lush greenery in the Pacific Northwest. Photo by author.

Being fascinated with all of the shades of green I find outdoors, I looked up this marvelous color. On Impact Plus I found a post about the psychology of design that said,

"Green is a color that can evoke powerful emotions. It is a dominant color in nature that makes you think of growth. Think of nature and see the incredible variety of shades of green expressing renewal and life. Green evokes a feeling of abundance and is associated with refreshment and peace, rest and security."

Waterfall surrounded by greenery.
Photo by author

On Bournecreative I read,
"The color green has healing power and is understood to be the most restful and relaxing color for the human eye to view. Green can help enhance vision, stability and endurance. Green takes up more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye and it is the dominant color in the natural...
Green is a color that helps alleviate anxiety, depression, and nervousness. Green also brings with it a sense of hope, health, adventure, and renewal, as well as self-control, compassion, and harmony. "

My brother looking up at a giant tree.
That is one Very big tree. Photo by author.

And on,
"The color green strikes a balance between head and heart. Those who lead with their emotions are subtly reminded to think logically when they see the color green. On the other hand, unfeeling individuals may become more sentimental when they cross paths with this viridescent shade. The color green encourages us to have a healthy relationship with our feelings. Emotions aren’t reserved for the weak, and the color green is a strong proponent of this notion."

Forest carpeted in green.
Photo by author

Is it any wonder why we feel our anxiety subside and our peace restored when we spend time outdoors?

The next time you're feeling stressed out and want to feel rejuvenated give it a try. Take a walk in the forest or along a river. Look at the trees and plants along the way. Notice all of the different shades of green. Listen to the sounds around you: the rustle of the breeze in the leaves, the chirping of birds and insects, the burbling of a creek. You will be glad you did.

If you would like to read about our first trip through the Columbia Gorge and see more photos you can find the post here.



Alice K

Freelance writer/photographer located in Texas, working on my blog and my seventh book.