Water pollution

Tanzeem Ahmed Sakib Sadman
2 min readOct 5, 2021


Contamination is the presentation of toxins into the regular habitat that causes antagonistic change. There are various sorts of contamination like air contamination, water contamination, commotion contamination, land contamination. Water contamination is the contamination of waterways like lakes, streams, oceans, the seas just as groundwater.

Earth is the main planet to have fluid water on its surface. Around 71% of the earth’s surface is water-shrouded and the seas hold around 96% of all world’s water, just 2.5 percent water we can use for our fundamental things. The human body should require the closest 3-liter water each day. Water is one of the vital components of our life and the climate.

There are many purposes behind water contamination. A portion of the reasons straightforwardly influenced water contamination and some by implication. Numerous plants, enterprises are unloading defiled water, synthetics, and substantial metals into significant streams because of direct water contamination. Another justification behind water contamination is the utilization of present-day methods in ranches. Ranchers apply supplements like phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium as synthetic composts, fertilizer, and muck. It makes ranches release huge amounts of agrochemicals, natural matter, saline waste into water bodies, it by implication influences water contamination.

Visit this link for more details : https://sadmanthenubgamer.blogspot.com/2021/10/water-pollution-water-pollution-effects.html

