What to NOT Feed a Stray Cat

Piece of Thought
4 min readMar 16, 2023


Hi there, cat lovers.

Today’s topic is cats and their eating habits.

And we have a very sweet guest again.

Her name is Köfte. She is a stray cat in Turkey.

As you may already know, I live in a dorm, and my dorm has a cafeteria.

Of course, stray cats are a big fan of food. For this reason, the stray cats who live in our dorm love to sit with us, the students, when we are having breakfast or dinner.

Sometimes, they want to eat with us — too. Not just “sit”. And that’s when things get complicated.

Köfte, slightly annoyed

Köfte really wanted to eat spicy meatballs. But she was not allowed to, hence the annoyed face.

Sometimes, stray cats can get disappointed if you do not give them food.

Köfte, trying to steal the meatballs

Yes, they are adorable. You want to hug them and give them all the food in the world.

But you should keep in mind that, cats should not eat spicy food!

In fact, most of the time, you need to think twice before feeding a cat.

Features of Köfte:

🌱 She is a brown tabby cat

🌱 Her eye colour is green

Personality and things that she likes:

🌻 Staring at you until you finish your food

🌻 Sitting with you so that you do not feel lonely

🌻 Very caring, but mostly hungry. Be careful because if you fall for her beautiful big green eyes; she might jump on your plate and steal your meatballs

Köfte’s favourite foods:

🐾 Wet cat food

🐾 Cooked meat that has no spice in it

🐾 Cooked fish

🐾 Dry cat food

What should I avoid when feeding a stray cat then?

Let’s see. Well, I will make a list for you.

This list works for any cat, not just stray cats.

  1. Alcohol: Alcohol can cause serious issues in pets. It can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, breathing issues, coma and even death. If your drink has alcohol in it, be very careful and don’t let your cat drink it!
  2. Bread dough containing yeast: Yeast dough causes gas to build up in your cat’s digestive system. This can lead to stomach bloating and even twisting, which is a potentially fatal condition. However, your cat can eat baked bread.
  3. Chocolate: Chocolate contains methylxanthines (theobromine and caffeine), which is very dangeous for your cat. Your cat might start vomiting, have diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and they might even die. Cocoa powder is the most dangerous, while white chocolate is the least.
  4. Coffee: Coffee also contains methylxanthines.
  5. Dairy products: Your cat may have digestive problems if you give them dairy products. Most cats are lactose intolerant. They cannot process milk, cheese, yoghurt etc.
  6. Raw eggs: Raw eggs might contain Salmonella. If your cat consumes raw eggs, and shows signs of infection, go to the nearest vet. Signs of infection include: vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Raw eggs also contain avidin. Avidin is an enzyme that hinders cats from absorbing biotin, a vitamin that’s important for skin and fur health.
  7. Raw fish: Raw fish might carry bacteria that cause food posioning.
  8. Raw meat: Raw meat may contain Salmonella and E. coli bacteria. Your cat might get diarrhea. It’s always better to cook the fish, egg or meat.
  9. Salt: In large amounts, salt and salty foods can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and death in pets.
  10. Spicy food: Did you know many spicy foods get their flavoring from capsaicin, which can give the stray cat lots of stomach troubles, including vomiting! Instead, you can give them steamed carrots, avocado, or cooked eggs. They are safe for your cat to consume. Spicy food can have all sorts of flavorings that are toxic to cats. Onions, garlic, and dairy products can harm your cat’s digestive system. And they might all be used in a spicy batter. Interestingly, animals, other than humans and tree shrews, avoid spice all together because the smell and taste are unbearable. The reason your cat is trying to eat spice is because the warmness of spice makes them think of their prey. They confuse it with their prey and try to eat it! So, hide your spicy foods. Don’t let your cat eat them.

Next time you see a hungry stray cat in Turkey, go to a supermarket and buy a small sized cat food for your fluffy friend.




