The Ultimate Laptop Bag Packing Guide

4 min readMar 4, 2017


Imagine that you are all set to go for the vacation you have been planning for months together and suddenly your phone rings! It is your boss asking you to make a super important presentation for some important clients. The dilemma is real — Cancel the trip and earn some brownie points or bail on your boss? Instead, choose the third way around — carry your office with you!

Now, buying laptops these days have become excessively easy. You can buy laptop online in India or in any other electronic store. But what is actually difficult is taking care of them and making them last, especially because they cost so much (Unless you choose to be a smart buyer and buy refurbished laptops of course!) And if you are a workaholic who is always on the go, you will eventually find yourself working from coffee shops and airport lounges. So here are some tips on how to carry your laptop around without damaging it -

1. Buy a good laptop bag

This is perhaps the most important tip, not just for travel purposes but even for handling your laptop on a day to day basis. It not just protects your laptop from the unwanted and unnecessary scratches, dents and bumps but also saves you from the huge expense of getting your laptop repaired in future because of these problems. And logically speaking, if you choose to invest so much on a piece of technology, it makes complete sense to spend a little more to carry it around safely. Point to note here — if you buy laptop online in India, a lot of websites will offer free laptop bags for a little extra amount, but most of the times, they won’t be of the best quality. You can also read top 10 laptop care tips. However, here are some features you should check for in a laptop bag to make sure it is a good one -

• Water Resistant

• Well cushioned or padded

• Lightweight

• Sturdy design

• Multiple compartment for better storage of accessories

Whether you buy it in person or choose to shop for laptops online, make sure you pick up a proper, sturdy and stylish laptop bag to go!

2. Work smart, go digital

When travelling around, the biggest pain is to carry thousands of papers and folders containing the important details you need to work with. Instead of doing that, you can make some good use of the digital solutions that are available so easily nowadays. Use applications like Google drive and cloud (or even drop box) that can store all your files in one place, just one click away! So much so, with applications like Google drive, you can even work on files offline and ditch the slow Wi-Fi connection!

3. Handle your laptop with care

This may sound silly, but treat it as your little baby! Take care of it and do not mishandle it. Avoid holding it by the screen; try not to force shut it because after all, they are a huge investment that you make. And if you work under pressure and are not the most patient person, just buy refurbished laptops, which are just like new ones at a much affordable price so it is less of a pinch when you end up damaging it!

4. Carry the accessories around

This goes back to the first point — make sure your laptop bag has a lot of compartments to carry all your accessories around as it is absolutely vital that you carry them with you! Accessories like chargers are a must because if your laptop runs out of battery and you do not charge it for a while, it can go into what is called a ‘deep discharge’ mode, which is not the best for you laptop. Again, if you buy laptop online in India, a lot of websites will offer you an extra charger for a low price or even for free sometimes, go for it! It is always important to have an extra charger that you can carry around without the fear of losing it!

5. General tip

Carry some general things that may come handy like Screen Cleaners (for cleaning the gadget if it becomes dusty), Hard drives and stuff. You never know when you may end up needing them. Last but not the least, attach a little emergency contact information tag onto your laptop in case you end up losing or misplacing it!

With so much to do and so many places to go to, make sure your work doesn’t suffer. Follow these tips and carry your office with you, wherever you go!




TogoFogo is a Indian refurbished, box opened used mobile phone selling company in India.