The Splitting Of The Moon Among Muslims, News From NASA And Persian Manuscripts
(1) The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two].
[Al-Qamar:1] (This was a sign given by Allāh to Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ) when the Quraysh challenged him to show them a miracle.)
Oh, my God! This is a famous verse in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, but is this really true?
Many Arabs have narrated the incident as in Sahih Al-Bukhari Narrated `Abdullah bin Masud:
“During the lifetime of the Prophet (ﷺ) the moon was split into two parts and on that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Bear witness (to thus).”
Here we may repeat the question again:
Did anyone other than the Arabs see her at the time??
The surprise..!
Persian manuscript
In one of the historical sites specialized in the Mayan civilization in South America: This strange article confirmed that the splitting of the moon actually occurred at the same time that the Prophet was in Mecca, and that most of the nations present at that time saw it and even changed their astronomical calendar because of it!!! The article was titled:
“The Split Moon of the Madrid Codex and Persian Manuscripts”
Of course, when they wrote this article, they did not think that they would prove one of the most famous miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace!! Therefore, the link was deleted after that, and its address on the site was changed: 54 times!!!!! And that from the date of 31–8–2000 AD to 16–7–2014 AD, although it does not exist now at all!!
This is the link to the original article, which was changed a lot and unfortunately deleted after they discovered the extent of the uproar it caused in favor of Muslims: here.
And this is the link to the wonderful website (Web Archive), which records copies of internet pages — as this is a link to a copy of the article page (modified on 10–28–2011 AD): here.
So what did it say??
The article stated that in the seventh century (meaning from 600 to 700 AD) a comprehensive change occurred in the calendar in China, Babylon, and Coban, which agrees with Janice’s accounts (and Coban is one of the most famous cities of the Mayan civilization in the modern era from 300 to 900 AD).
Also the article stated:
” There is a Persian manuscript illumination which shows a similar white mountain (in the background) and a mountain covered with FLOWERS and fruit (as veggies), and a weird gash in the earth behind a man who is looking at a split faced moon similar to those found in the Madrid Codex on the top register of pages 91–92 and 93. 1”
In the margins of the article is the name of the painting:
“Muhammed splits the moon”
And it is from a Persian book After Islam on the Prophets:
Falnameh, a Persian BOOK of prophecies.
“Muhammed splits the moon”
The question is: Is it possible to know the exact timing of that defection?
The article answers us with the following shock:
“At the top of page 139 in the 1997 Maya Hieroglyphic Forum, the dot and bar numbers have been inserted as corrections for the tops of the other columns (missing in V and K’s WORKS). On the basis of the number sequences, the date of the first (and, what I am surmising, was the original change) is or the Gregorian date of 9 February 623 (the Julian date calculated the 6th of February, that same year).”
Here we are amazed at this accuracy!! This emphasis in the article on the year 623 CE corresponds to the actual stay of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, at the end of his life in Makkah, just before the migration!!
Note that the Prophet was born in Makkah in 571 AD, migrated to Medina in 624 AD, and died in 634 AD!
Which is in line with the exact same date mentioned in the article!!
That is, it is the same expected date for the occurrence of the splitting of the moon in the last years of the Prophet’s stay in Makkah!!
and what else ?? Are the surprises over?
The article says:
“The event was seen! But, by whom? Was it the Aztecs who saw it and recorded it for their university lessons in astronomy as “The Birth of the Fifth Sun”? The Maya actually recorded the split moon in the tiny glyphs in the Madrid Codex as the tiny glyph shown below.”
And because the moon has famous cavities and terrain, it can be likened to a rabbit, as it is known and famous: therefore, ancient civilizations symbolized it with the rabbit in their drawings.
Here, the article mentions to us how, after observing this split in the moon, they replaced the astronomical monkey with a rabbit with a cleft face!!
“The rabbit replaced the monkey (possibly the old north star?) as the recorder of time and became a very important figure with the same split face of the moon, with the same question mark curl in each ear3 and later, (K1491) where the rabbit waits for the monkey to finish his final WORK. He then becomes the official recorder of time (and probably of events) and tgnkey is placed in a secondary role in the skies.”
A story in manuscripts Hindi
It is worth mentioning here that the history of India mentions a connection with the King of India at the time of the miracle of the splitting of the moon among the Muslims in Medina (his name was Jakarwani Fermas) when he asked about the reason and was told that he was a prophet — and he sent the Prophet a gift (as his descendants pass on this story) and the story is circulating in India and preserved in one of the manuscripts Hindi in the Library of the India Department Office, London, bearing reference number:
Arabic 2807, 152 to 173
NASA Studies
NASA discovered a network of cracks in the moon, not the product of lava valleys or a water course, as they expected, but rather the result of a network of cracks and fractures:
“A spider web of cracks on the crater floor suggested to R. B. Baldwin (1968) that the floor was bowed up in the middle. Later, dark mare lavas flooded low areas in the outer part of the floor and covered the cracks. A peculiar “bull’s eye” double crater on the crater floor has several counterparts elsewhere on the Moon. The origin of these double craters is a continuing puzzle.-K.A.H.”
Here is another confirmation that the dominant phenomenon in the grooves is the phenomenon of fracture:
“The origin of lunar sinuous rilles remains controversial. Among the alternatives proposed are lava channels and lava tubes, but fracture control is decidedly apparent in some places”
The resource:
Another text from NASA indicates that one of the canyons that formed originated in a fissure at the base of the mountain in the south — meaning it is not a valley but rather a fissure at the base of a mountain!! Here.
Another confirmation of how these grooves were formed, which are tens of kilometers long, so that they can be seen from the ground:
“In many places the lunar surface is broken and a portion is downdropped, forming trenchlike features known as straight rimae or rilles. Some of these rills are large enough (tens of kilometers across) to be visible on Earth”
The next text says that some of these grooves are formed by the surrounding plains and may record preferred directions from a fracture of the lunar crust caused by internal stress.
And of course, internal stress means something that happened in the heart of the moon from the inside.
And the next text says that the origin of these linear grooves (i.e. not twisted) is still the subject of research:
“are now thought to be remnants of ancient lava flows, but the origins of arcuate and linear rilles are still a topic of research”
Astronomy Picture of the Day — 2002 October 29
And because the division and then fusion in this way must have a sufficient amount of linear regularity and not the curved one covered by lava: Indeed, we find this evidence also from NASA that there are many trenches that appear to be transitional between direct grooves and twisted grooves:
“Many trenches are curvilinear; some appear to be transitional between straight rilles and sinuous rilles.-H.M.”
The resource
These are also other cracks scattered inside a hole with a diameter of 200 km, and they say that it displays both radial and central cracks or cracks. Here.
Then they say:
“This detailed view of a mare surface near the eastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, just west of the Apollo 17 landing site, shows the numerous small grooves. They are unusual features that have not been observed in such large numbers elsewhere”
“A likely explanation is that they are the result of drainage of unconsolidated regolith into openings caused by fissuring in the consolidated bedrock” Here.
As for the next link, it explains the phenomenon of depression on the surface of the moon and says that the depressions lined up on the surface are mostly from 300 to 400 meters in width and from 30 to 60 meters in depth, and that the three deeper extensions are 2 kilometers long and about 50 to 65 meters in depth, and these depressions are likely to be It was the place of the surface basalt fissure explosions, and the withdrawal of lava into the fissure may have created the secondary surface voids in which the collapse occurred, which caused the depressions and explained the absence of raised edges on the depressions
This means that there was a crack originally that occurred from the explosion of the basalt layer, and after the lava came out of the crack, it returned to it again, forming this surface void or depression, and that the withdrawal of those lava (which are liquids) to the crack again is the reason for the absence of raised rims on the depressions. The link here.