Token Burn: What it is and How it Works?

4 min readAug 21, 2023



Token burn, also known as coin burning, is a process utilized in the world of cryptocurrencies to permanently remove tokens from circulation. By doing so, the total supply of the cryptocurrency is reduced, which can have various effects on the token’s value and market dynamics. In this article, we will delve into the concept of token burn, its practical applications, and the reasons why cryptocurrency projects may choose to implement this process.

Understanding Token Burn:

In the cryptocurrency space, tokens are typically sent to specific wallet addresses that are designated as “burner” or “eater” addresses. These addresses are essentially black holes for tokens, as they are designed to receive tokens but lack the functionality to initiate transactions or transfers. When tokens are sent to these burner addresses, they are effectively taken out of circulation and become inaccessible for further use.

Practical Applications for Token Burn:

  1. Supply Reduction and Value Increase: Token burn is often used as a mechanism to decrease the total supply of a cryptocurrency. This reduction in supply can create scarcity, potentially increasing demand and driving up the token’s value. By mimicking the economic principle of supply and demand, token burn may result in higher token prices, benefiting investors and holders.
  2. Consensus Mechanism — Proof-of-Burn (PoB): Some blockchain networks implement a consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Burn (PoB). PoB requires miners or users to burn a certain amount of tokens regularly as they validate transactions. In exchange for burning tokens, participants are granted the right to create new blocks or mine new coins. PoB operates on the premise of using minimal real-world resources and helps maintain network activity and agility.
  3. Spam Protection and Network Security: Coin burning can be used as a defense against Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks and spam transactions that could potentially slow down the network. By requiring miners or validators to burn a portion of transaction fees, the network’s integrity is protected, and malicious activities are discouraged.
  4. Stablecoin Stability: In the case of stablecoins, token burn can play a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the peg to a fiat currency. When demand for a stablecoin rises and its price goes above the peg, the smart contract of the stablecoin can automatically burn some tokens to bring the price back down to the peg.

Reasons for Token Burn:

  1. Scarcity and Value Management: Similar to stock buybacks in traditional finance, token burn aims to manage the token’s value by reducing its circulating supply. As the supply decreases, the token’s value may appreciate, providing potential benefits to investors and holders.
  2. Long-Term Commitment: Developers may choose to burn tokens on their network as a demonstration of their commitment to scarcity and value growth. Token burn can be scheduled periodically or performed as a one-off event to maintain and increase the token’s value.
  3. Mining Balance Promotion: Some projects implement token burn as part of the Proof-of-Burn (PoB) consensus mechanism to strike a balance between early adopters and new users. Regular burning encourages the mining of new coins and fosters fair participation.

Burning, yes or no?:

It is very important to distinguish the various types of tokens before applying a token burning strategy since situations inconsistent with the purpose of the token itself could arise; for example, the burning of a token encourages the holding of the token rather than its use — spending today is less convenient than spending tomorrow — , which is why burning is more suitable for security tokens than for utility tokens, otherwise you would have centralization of governance power, liquidity reduction and a highly volatile token.


Token burn, or coin burning, is a significant process used in the cryptocurrency space to manage supply, increase scarcity, and potentially boost token value. Through this mechanism, tokens are permanently removed from circulation, shaping the economics of a particular cryptocurrency. Token burn can be employed for various purposes, such as promoting network security, managing stablecoin stability, and aligning with specific consensus mechanisms like Proof-of-Burn (PoB). However, the outcomes of token burn can vary, and investors should be aware of the specific reasons and implications before considering investing in a cryptocurrency project that employs this strategy.

