Tokel Development Update — Sep 2021

2 min readSep 22, 2021


Tokel Platform

Development Recap

  • We have published the bitgo library under Tokel org and we are working on it with the Komodo team
  • Komodo made updates to the Komodo daemon for us in order for it to work with the new nspv implementation
  • The token wallet visual implementation is under review
  • We have completely rewritten our nspv logic

What does this mean?

We were using the original nspv C library created by jl777. We have moved on from that since the C version does not support Crypto Conditions which is necessary for token transactions. We have now migrated to a JS implementation of Crypto Conditions Library written by dimxy, based off bitgo library. That is like super cool! . .

Why is that cool and why should I care?

Having a working usable JS implementation in production is a massive step forward for Tokel and Komodo. That means we can create sdks for different purposes and attract more developers to use it because the entry barrier will get much lower than before.

A large proportion of developers use Javascript, meaning there is a big number of people out there who will be interested in using such an implementation for their applications.

PLUS! it’s a super lightweight node that does not need to sync the entire blockchain. This opens the flood gates for many projects looking to utilize truly decentralized blockchain technology but who do not want to download and run an entire blockchain within their applications. This makes it super attractive. . .

The MORE people use it = the MORE people get interested in Tokel and the more people use Komodo Tech = MORE success to the whole Komodo ecosystem.

Didn't you say that this was ready a while ago?

We might have, we get very excited about things…

However it is hard to predict anything because we are working with highly experimental technology and you never know how long things will take to put together and what issues you will run into. . . .

Future Plans

  • Rolling out 1 or maybe even 2 releases
  • Updating website with information on the completed IDO
  • Working on GUI updates with info on locked funds
  • We are allocating some time to writing and testing the current version of the dApplication on multiple operating systems. We will also spend time evaluating designs and working through any issues that may arise post release
  • Merging current PRs The two releases are currently the priority. Any testing/troubleshooting/fixing of issues will be prioritised over future releases until we are happy to move on

