The Hotmail of Crypto -Who will it Be?

8 min readJun 10, 2020

The often asked question about the Crypto/Blockchain industry, save for ‘When will Bitcoin reach $100K’ is ‘What use does it have?’ or ‘ No one is using Bitcoin, why?’. In order to answer this we need to take a step back in history. No, I don’t mean reviewing the Roman empire, nor do we need to discuss the Battle of the Bulge, we merely need to go back to the early nineties. An era when music was good (sorry readers, trance music back then was simply better) and visiting a friend who had Corona had an altogether different meaning.

There are many parallels between the Internet and that of Crypto, and it is here we need to look, if we are to understand the evolution of the Crypto industry.

On 6th August 1991, the World Wide Web was born. The Internet became ‘usable’ for the common man. Prior to this, all we had was a network of computers, which allowed transfer of information effortlessly. Since then, we have had several key moments from the advent of social networks, to web phased telephony, the ability to stream music/video and, of course, ecommerce. All these services that we take for granted, did not appear on 6th August 1991,and instead took a decade or so to develop. If we examine the stages the Internet went through, we can start to understand how Crypto may develop.

October 29, 1969, ARPANET came into existence. The first message between computers was sent. A cumbersome process but a stepping stone, nonetheless. The world now had the ability to connect it’s computers together, almost…

