Tokenator: Highlights of First Months as Open Club of Collective ICO Token Deals

3 min readJan 10, 2018


Taking advantage of the winter holidays, we decided to review the work of Tokenator over the past 3 months and share with you a summary of what was done.

Tokenator: The Origin

We started a pre-sale collective sales club in Silicon Valley in June 2017 and it grew organically. In June — September, the club functioned via chat, email and Excel spreadsheets.

The more members we had, the more complicated the communications and transactions were. So, in October 2017, we launched the Tokenator web service with automated token distribution and private dashboards (with balance and deal history).

How We Select Projects: Major Criteria and Parameters

We select projects on the basis of the following three key criteria:

  • Blockchain technology application.
  • Team strength.
  • Project traction.

Each criterion contains several parameters of different values.

We evaluate and rate projects by the first criterion (‘Blockchain technology application’) by finding answers to the following questions:

  • Is it necessary and reasonable to use the blockchain for solving the primary tasks of the project?
  • Does the project have a clear understanding (and description) of how the blockchain technology is to be used?
  • Is there evidence that the token economy is necessary for the product or service?
  • Does the project belong to our priority segments: blockchain platforms and ecosystems, computing, AI, gaming, VR/AR, cyber security, fintech.

We assess ‘Team strength’ based on the following factors:

  • number of team members;
  • their professional background and experience;
  • advisors;
  • prominent experts on the team, especially those well-known in the blockchain community.

‘Project traction’ can be roughly divided into two categories: hype and product. By ‘hype’ we mean popularity of the project, including media and social media coverage, and its team’s involvement in various crypto industry events: conferences, hackathons and so on. To assess the product, we take into consideration its availability, working business model and partnerships with large companies.

In addition, when analyzing projects, we also pay attention to the token economy, pre-sale and sale terms, lock-up period and possible bonuses.

Once the project is studied across all the criteria, we give it a balanced rating to see how it ranks against the others. In the end, we start working with the most promising ones.

Statistics: 536 Projects Audited, 8 Successful Deals

Over the first 3 months of Tokenator as an open club, we evaluated 536 projects. Only 59 of them (11%) succeeded to meet all the selection criteria and deserved a positive rating. That’s right, almost 90% of the projects failed the quality check at Tokenator!

Ultimately, we launched 8 successful deals on our platform:

Playkey (raised a total of $10 million)

Goldmint ($16 million)

Gladius ($12.5 million)

Bitclave ($25.5 million)

Hacken ($7.5 million)

Gameflip ($6 million)

Bankex ($60 million)

HOQU ($5.7 million)

It is interesting to take a look at the distribution of industries in our long list:

● Most of the 536 projects are fintech (27%).

● The second biggest industry here is gaming + VR/AR (12%).

● In the third place come projects from the computer industry (cyber security, big data, AI and so on) and actual blockchain platforms and ecosystems (10% each).

Nowadays, Tokenator is a community of 4,800+ token holders who buy like whales, with huge discounts. Together, we’ve collected 576.7 ETH, equivalent of $422,982.18 (at the rate as of December 25, 2017).

What’s Next?

We’ll continue to look for those best 10% of projects and negotiate exclusively lucrative offers for the Tokenator club members. That’s our main goal and priority.

Join us at, follow us on Telegram — buy like a whale! 🐳

About Tokenator

Tokenator is the first open club of ICO deals — Groupon for the blockchain. Driven by the collective purchasing power, it allows anyone to buy promising tokens like a whale, with huge discounts of up to 80% and low minimum order limits. Tokenator uses the great in-house expertise to select the best blockchain projects on the ICO or pre-sale and launches lucrative short-term special offers several times a week.

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Groupon for blockchain. Discover huge discounts up to 80% on the best ICO tokens and — buy like a whale! Website: