DogShi Whitepaper

The birth of DogShi

3 min readMar 17, 2023

It’s easy to make a nice dog famous, but make famous its shit?

Decentralization is all a matter of interests distributed among the holders, as Ryoshi said. In the same way, will the supporters of DogShi be able to organize themselves autonomously?

What I can do is this:

DogShi has 21 millions in supply and dreams of reaching the price of Bitcoin.

- 10% was paired with 2.5 Eth on Uniswap and the keys were burned.

- 50% supply has been sent to Ryoshi, the Shiba deployer (please hodl or burn) as he requested in chat. (Link of tranx)

- 40% of supply is allocated in the contract to reward DogShi believers and contributors. This allocation is split as follow:

  • 20% to DogShi holders. Holding your DogShi will increase your bag. No action are needed. No token staking is requested.
  • 20% is allocated to the DAO process. Smart contract will activate itself at every dao vote. Community will decide the contract address where to send the resources at every vote. Process is automated forever, nobody can control it or change it.
  • 60% to DogShi liquidity providers (DogShi-Eth pair). Providing liquidity to DogShi will increase your bag. No action are needed. No LP staking is requested.

DogShi contract has been renounced, it is untouchable forever.

Tax for buy and sell is zero.

Nobody can change the rules now.

The process is automated by the smart contract, which is renounced therefore immutable.

I will follow DogShi for some time, trying to give it a correct and ethical vision at the beginning. I believe and want to support this vision.

But DogShi already has its utility, it is already within its contract, and it is immutable and ungovernable even by whoever created it.

It is a token that already has its decentralized ethics, because it does not need human action to function and to give its utility to the people.

So i will no longer be important, once the token is deployed and the contract renounced.

DogShi now belongs to everyone.

DogShi is about the community and its tokens are all on the market so:

- The community will have the task of making DogShi great and become known.

- The community will be able to organize itself in Dao and give usecase and diffusion to DogShi, making good use of the resources allocated by the contract.

- Developers will be able to create something for DogShi.

- Investors can help DogShi by holding it.

- Ryoshi will decide what to do with his bag, maybe keep it or burn it, or maybe sell it. The higher percentage of supply, the greater his responsibility to the community, like he said.

But will the DogShi community have the value necessary to be consistent with this vision?

Now go, Anon. Get out of here and go collect as much DogShi as possible.

You will not regret.

DogShi contract: 0xaDC5D9134fDfEd372c9AC4C63D0AeD098ad4983b

