Greg Spercz
2 min readJan 12, 2018


In such aggressive economy times the only solution is cooperation. Synergic activity creates a field for extending markets and creating a long-term strategy for development of your business.

In TokenLoyalty we think about the whole market as one big playground. But on this playground, there is very high competition and primal rules. That is why we created an ideology of creating one environment to gather merchants, which gives a huge opportunity to extend the market. What is that ideology?

Like in primal rules, the herd always supports each of it members — of course, like in any herd, there are conflicts, loves, politics, etc. But in general, cooperation is more profitable than fighting, because engages less resources. The ideology is that we create a big environment of people interested in purchase of products, interested in campaigns. For now we can say that we have 150k people ready to jump in for an interesting campaign. What does it mean for merchants? Look at the cases below:

  • even if you have a niche product like our Partner — Adrian Vozny, there is a probability P(x) that someone will be interested in the art product. But the rule of our negotiation was that Adrian would give to our token holders at least 20% discount. This creates the herd rule, when we give him promotion among our users, while he gives added value to the token holders.
  • if you have a massive product and want to extend customers, you can buy the tokens, while we, as agency, will encourage amount of users interested in your product, due to tokenloyalty rules. This budget may be big, for better effect, or you can do it on a small budget, achieving small, but also effective goals — it only depends on the level of scale you want to achieve.

What I am trying to show and say is that we should gather under one environment, that works like herd model, which creates a “virtual citizen” population of global customers, which are not related to specific location. They will be related only to brands, which are loyal to, but under engagement defined in campaigns (well, nothing is for free, if you want to engage people, pay them. But pay effectively.). This is totally different approach. The ones, who make own tokens to promote in the old model of loyalty will loose the ability of herd support. So simple. ICO 16/01/2018