TokenPocket unveils the forget mode to solve the insufficient CPU issue

2 min readNov 8, 2019

The story starts from Nov 1st, the airdrop of EIDOS begins, people keep sending 0.0001 EOS to the smart contract to mine the EIDOS tokens. Then the mining service comes, the exchange also tries to be the first to list EIDOS.

Things getting serious, the price of CPU skyrocket, the common users even can’t transfer tokens or do the basic action on the wallet; the dapps also face the same problem too, lacking enough CPU to run their project.

Suddenly, the CPU becomes a rare resource, users and dapps are trying their best to rent or buy the CPU, some for the usage, others for the “investment”. In the long run, it’s not a good thing for our community.

What’s the Forget Mode?

Once you have top up the TPT and enable this mode, TokenPocket will cover the CPU fees of all the actions on the apps. Each account can purchase up to 300 TPT resources per day, and the actions like transferring tokens on the wallet will be supported soon.

Users can access the [Forget Mode] setting page by tapping the lightning button on the top of the home page in TokenPocket.

Why should you choose it?

  • On TokenPocket: Pay 100 TPT(0.05 EOS) = 29.84 ms CPU
  • On the Resource: Stake 298.4 EOS = 29.84 ms CPU

Based on the price at 3:00 PM UTC Nov 8, 2019

How to experience it?

  • For Android users, please download the latest version on our website.
  • For iOS users, please download the Pro version to access this feature.

Version requirement:
1. The latest version of Android & TokenPocket Pro
2. The App Store version is not supported

Start your journey of discovery

  1. Download TokenPocket from App Store or Google Play
  2. Go to [Discover] > [DApps]

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