ICO widgets

Token Record
2 min readFeb 13, 2018


There are not so many things that can make your website more attractive for visitors. Widgets are one of them.

Problems that ICO widgets help you solve:

  1. Constant update of the information about active/upcoming ICOs.
  2. Makes your right/left column more useful for visitors.
  3. Customization of your website sections including home page.

Right now there are not many website that allow website owners to use their widgets for free. TokensRecord.com allows to add active or upcoming ICO widget to your website within minutes.

There are two types of ICO widgets available:

  1. Active ICO widget

2) Upcoming ICO widget

What does it take to add them? Only grab the code from ICO widget page and place it in the appropriate section of your website.

This article brought to you by TokensRecord Team.

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