TokenShield Joins Chainlink BUILD

3 min readSep 12, 2023


We’re excited to announce that TokenShield is officially joining the Chainlink BUILD program. As a part of BUILD, we aim to accelerate ecosystem growth and long-term adoption of our digital asset security solution by gaining enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading oracle services and technical support, as well as incentivizing greater crypto-economic security, in exchange for a commitment to provide network fees and other benefits to the Chainlink community and service providers, including stakers.

Our participation in BUILD provides us with priority support from the Chainlink ecosystem, increased access to users needing security solutions, and stronger incentive alignment between the Chainlink and TokenShield communities.

We’re confident that through enhanced support, secure off-chain services, and the backing of Chainlink’s vibrant community, we can accelerate awareness of TokenShield and realize the adoption of our digital asset security protocol.

TokenShield: Unlocking the Next Level of Security for Digital Assets

TokenShield is a cutting-edge security protocol safeguarding your most valuable assets. Our mission is to enable creators, collectors, and investors to confidently engage with and preserve the value of their digital assets.

TokenShield offers unparalleled protection for digital assets through our proprietary Vaults. Vaults are smart contract accounts which utilize the Account Abstraction and the Token Bound Account standards. In simple terms, a Vault is a cold wallet that will be contained in the user’s hot wallet. Through Vaults, TokenShield provides multiple security features for users, such as multi-factor authentication for each outgoing transaction, and Vault recovery in case of wallet compromises. All while remaining fully self-custodial. TokenShield helps safeguard digital assets from various types of risks such as phishing, malware and exposed private keys.

Why We Joined Chainlink BUILD

TokenShield joined BUILD to maximize the benefits of security and reliability that Chainlink’s oracle infrastructure provides. As part of BUILD, TokenShield will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of Chainlink Price Feeds and Chainlink Automation, access to new Chainlink product alpha and beta releases, and other benefits.

In exchange for these services, TokenShield will make 5% of its native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers, over time. These mutually aligned economic incentives enable both communities to support one another.

“We’re thrilled to join Chainlink BUILD to gain access to industry-standard Web3 services, technical support, and a robust crypto-economic model that empowers us to build a digital asset security solution. Chainlink is well-known for its time-tested security and reliability, and through the integration of its industry-leading services, TokenShield can redefine and elevate the digital asset security in the Web3 space.” — Andrej Babamov, Co-Founder

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform and has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About TokenShield

TokenShield is a digital asset security protocol designed for retail users. We are committed to protecting your digital assets from phishing and private key compromises using advanced two-factor authentication and seamless account recovery. To keep up to date with the latest developments, join the waitlist on our website and follow us on Twitter.

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Digital Asset Security Protocol designed for retail users. We protect digital assets from phishing and private key leaks using two-factor authentication