The TOKHIT App Enters Its Testing Stage

3 min readJul 6, 2022


The TOKHIT App is almost ready for launch

The TOKHIT App is one step away from the launch of its Alpha Version. The app entered its testing stage, the last development phase needed before it can go live. You can think of this as a pre-launch version of it.

What does this mean?

While the app isn’t available for download yet, a very limited audience will have an exclusive opportunity to install the app, in its current form, on their iOS devices. Once installed, they can make an account, explore the available features, discover how the app works, and provide timely feedback to our development team.

The development team will keep close contact with these first users and use their feedback to improve user experience and fix any potential bugs that might be identified. We will gradually extend access to the app to new users, in batches, and we’ll repeat the whole testing process. This way, the team can get the app ready for its Alpha launch while rewarding these first users with an exclusive sneak peek into its features.

Here’s what you can expect to find in the app:

The first users will have a chance to explore the Creative Feed and the Instant Insight Feed, as well as discover the mechanism through which users can win instant rewards for the content they publish. They can also play around with the content creation tool and create stunning posts to share on one of these two feeds.

To make a post, users can either upload photos or videos from their phone’s content gallery or shoot them right in the app, then use the available editing options to edit them. We’ll provide more details about the next features to be integrated after the app is published on Apple’s App Store.

What you need to know about the upcoming Alpha Version of the app:

This is a core version of the TOKHIT App, what is typically called a minimal viable product (MVP). In the past four months, the development team kept polishing existing features, building new ones, and integrating various functionalities in the app with the goal of creating a truly spectacular product.

However, due to the complexity of the product we’re building, we had to make a number of strategic decisions necessary to prevent a more extensive delay in the launch of our app. Therefore, we removed some of the features meant to be included in the Alpha Version, keeping only what’s absolutely necessary for the app to work.

In the past month and a half, the development team was in close contact with Apple’s representatives, submitting the app for review multiple times. The decision to remove some features was influenced by Apple’s feedback but some were removed proactively by the TOKHIT team to expedite the app’s launch.

Right now, we’re in the final discussions stages, and we expect to launch the Alpha Version, through a Soft Launch event, in the near future. Until then, you will help us live-test the app.

What happens after the Alpha Version is launched:

After the TOKHIT App gets officially published on the App Store, we’ll extend app access to investors and members of the TOKHIT community. They will gain the exclusive ability to make an account and will further help the team test the app for scalability, reliability, and user experience.

One part of the team will further improve existing features, while another part of the development team will be busy integrating new features, to get the app ready for its Beta launch. These new features include functionalities that are already built or are 90% ready to be added to the app but were removed from the initial release. It will also include functionalities that are still to be developed. The testing process will be resumed after every app feature update to further improve the experience of current and future users.

Thank you for being part of the TOKHIT community!





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