OpenWhisk / today’s todoist to slack

Hideaki Tokida
2 min readJan 26, 2017


I check todo every day using todoist. and my team use slack. I use OpenWhisk’s Action to tell my team about today’s work.

Create Action

Use the following python code ( save )

Use the wsk command-line to create a new Python Action using this python script.

wsk action action todaytodo

Set the default parameter to Python Action.

wsk action update todaytodo -p todoist_token XXXXX -p todoist_projectId XXXX -p slack_url

The “todoist_token” is `API token` in todoist application settings.


todoist_projectId : Select the `ID` of the project you want to target.


slack_url is slack webhook url. :-p

If you want to post to Slack at the same time every morning, it is good to sequence new actions using alert feed(like crontab event ) .

Invoke Action

wsk action invoke -r -b todaytodo

New message in slack posted by wsk action ivoke.


OpenWhisk is very easy . If not openwhisk , we create some server ( For Python example, you need a flask application server) . It is troublesome. and OpenWhisk is reasonable that cost and architecture. Even if we use the action every day, it is a few yen :p



Hideaki Tokida

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