TOKI Roadmap

7 min readMay 15, 2024

The recent months have been quite exciting internally for the TOKI team. Having achieved some important milestones, such as achieving cross-chain transfers of Japanese Stablecoins on public Testnet; launching new channels of communication and expanding existing ones (i.e. Discord, YouTube, and X); kickstarting live streaming communications through the Community Calls; and more, has helped us come in closer contact with the public, and with our community. These milestones helped turn to reality all of our commitment and hard work toward our ideal of a truly secure, scalable, trust-minimized, and efficient cross-chain infrastructure.

By planning to continue communications with our audience, TOKI is proud to announce the exciting upcoming milestones planned for the rest of this year and the beginning of 2025. Such is the purpose of this article: a detailed description of our roadmap for the upcoming year term; to elucidate what we aim to accomplish and how our ever-growing community can help us get there.

The Roadmap

Disclaimer: The estimated dates are subject to change. The latest updates will be announced via Discord and X.

Incentivized testnet announcement

Middle of June 2024

Keep an eye on our main communication channels as described below, where we’ll announce the launch of our testnet in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for all the pertinent details and learn how to get involved.

This testnet marks a major milestone for TOKI, focusing on the TOKI cross-chain bridge app — the first-party application built on top of IBC and our unified liquidity layer. With its groundbreaking infrastructure, cross-chain native token transfers are just a single click away! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of the future of blockchain. Stay connected with us!

Of course, staying connected to these channels will be crucial for securing your chance to claim upcoming rewards. Make sure to join and follow them to stay in the loop!

Launching the incentivized testnet for token transfer, starting with BNB Chain<>Ethereum

June-July 2024

This testnet will kick off with the transfer functionality first so that we are able to focus on testing each functionality iteratively. This will be the initial opportunity to get first-hand feedback from the community via our communication channels. We will provide details on how to participate in the announcements prior to the launch.

We will value earlier participants to receive more potential rewards from the upcoming airdrops, expected around Q1 25. Be sure to participate — join us early and share your valuable feedback!

Launching pool and farm functionalities

September 2024

In this phase, users will have access to pool and farm functionalities for testing, utilizing demo tokens.

Given TOKI’s unified liquidity pool facilitating native token cross-chain swaps via IBC, TOKI needs your help to initially bootstrap liquidity pools for USDC, UST, and ETH. As you provide liquidity and receive LP tokens in return, you can earn TOKI tokens in exchange for farming LP tokens.

Our primary goal in this phase is to iteratively test these functionalities and ensure their seamless operation.

β mainnet launch!

November 2024

The first IBC connection between BNB Chain and Ethereum will finally be live with the unified liquidity pool and a multi-prover security approach. This milestone will mark a significant step forward for the entire blockchain space, bringing us closer to our vision: advancing an open and secure finance infrastructure for the global billions.

Users will be able to enjoy a 1-click token swap and earn rewards by providing liquidity and farming their LP tokens. Of course, any applications that want to interact with TOKI’s infrastructure will be highly welcome.

Integration with 3rd party apps

End of 2024

TOKI is equipped with liquidity and messaging layers. Excitingly, our messaging layer designed for the Cosmos ecosystem with BNB Chain and Ethereum is set to make its debut at this stage.

There’s more! We’re also rolling out integrations with specific applications, L1 chains, and functionalities our strategic partners provide, including major projects such as Succinct, XION, Noble, and many more. We are pleased to see existing and growing interest in TOKI’s concept and architecture, and we are very open to welcoming a wide variety of projects that see applicability potential in our infrastructure.

We invite you to connect with us if you have any projects or applications that could thrive from integrating with us. Let’s innovate together! — contact us here.

Stablecoins debut and support

End of 2024

As we approach the year’s end, we’re heading to integrating Japanese-regulated stablecoins into the TOKI cross-chain bridge app.

TOKI, alongside Datachain and Progmat — a joint venture composed of major financial institutions in Japan and tech firms -, is exclusively working on developing an equivalent system to Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) using IBC, a more open protocol.

Progmat’s stablecoin will be most reliable and pegged to currencies such as USD, EUR, and JPY, and of course, it will launch on multiple blockchains, starting from Ethereum. Learn more about this exciting initiative here.

Major mainnet launch!

Q1 2025

The time has finally come! With the milestones we’ve achieved on our roadmap, IBC connection with a multi-prover approach will be ready to explode everywhere, including Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Polygon, Avalanche, Solana, and more.

We will become a cross-chain infrastructure where the united liquidity sits on top of the most efficient, secure, and comprehensive messaging layer to streamline cross-chain transactions for global billions. This will truly unlock the potential of blockchain.

But, of course, our journey doesn’t end there. Collaboration is at the heart of our mission and a trait of IBC as a truly open protocol. We’re very positive about partnering with other IBC projects to broaden support for a diverse range of applications.

IBC everywhere — the Internet of Blockchains will come true!

Token auction/TGE/Airdrops/Governance Activation

Q1 2025

Right on the heels of our major mainnet launch, get ready for multiple exciting moments that will unpack simultaneously!

First up, we’re gearing up for a token auction to kickstart initial liquidity for multiple pools across various chains. This is an excellent opportunity to acquire TOKI tokens at a discounted price.

Following that, prepare for the eagerly awaited TGE and airdrops!! Again, early supporters will be rewarded generously, so don’t delay — join us ASAP. Wait, there’s more — another airdrop, the 2nd season, is planned to launch.

In light of the TOKI token’s realization, we will also activate the veTOKI token to enable participation in governance activities. You can secure veTOKI tokens in exchange for staking your TOKI tokens.

Note: TOKI introduces three types of tokens: LP, TOKI, and veTOKI. Token holders will get a share of TOKI token emissions, a share of protocol revenue, voting power, etc.

Exciting times lie ahead — stay tuned for more updates as we navigate this dynamic post-mainnet launch phase together!

Collab with TEE node operators

Q1-Q2 2025

TOKI’s messaging layer using IBC is its core, and we employ a multi-prover approach to realize an efficient, permissionless, and secure connection across various chains. This approach incorporates TEE(SGX), MPC, and ZK proofs to mitigate the drawbacks of each one.

Alongside it, we’re committed to diversifying TEE node operators leveraging MPC to further elevate the security level through collaboration with various players, especially existing prominent validators, such as Allnodes, Everstake, Cosmostation, Swiss Staking, and more.

While this collaboration is set to take place at this stage, testing will kick off somewhere in Q4 2024.

Please note that while we will diversify node operators, TEE itself equips high security, which hasn’t been exploited in reality. Therefore, selection criteria for validators will be in place to maintain the delicate balance between security and cost efficiency.

TOKI’s Architecture Overview

TOKI’s concept consists of a 3-layered architecture of Messaging, Liquidity, and Applications — as shown in the diagram below.

For those who are not yet familiar with TOKI’s architecture, the concept revolves around integrating multiple cryptographic technologies, such as TEE, MPC, and ZKP, to mitigate potential hacking risks and enhance the security of the entire system.

To learn more about TOKI’s architecture and other relevant information, please refer to our 2nd Community Call presentation deck:

Our blog post about the multi-prover model:


It has been an exciting road so far and it will only get more exciting from now on. The upcoming milestones will take us step-by-step closer to a new time in Interoperability. Once TOKI is fully implemented we hope the general perception of cross-chain bridges will change dramatically in a positive way. We hope this article clarifies our plans and vision for the near future for our community. We look forward to having continuous support, collaboration, and engagement from our peers.

It is only the beginning of a long road up ahead. Let’s build the future of the Internet of Blockchains together!

Take part in our journey! Join our Community! (Links to Discord and X here)




The first IBC bridge to connect Ethereum, BNB Chain, Cosmos and more.