As COVID-19 Strikes, Tokoin Takes Part in Battling The Pandemic

Continuing to help and support the community, Tokoin is taking another step to help fight COVID-19 by opening donations.

Tokoin Official
3 min readApr 14, 2020

To Tokoin community and citizens of the Republic of Indonesia that we respect,

As we all know, the novel COVID-19 virus has hit the world greatly in the course of the last three months. It affected everyone’s lives in a variety of ways, including us at Tokoin, a Blockchain technology business platform that helps digitize the business profile and bookkeeping of Indonesian MSMEs. As citizens of Indonesia, we support the government’s recommendations by following the advice of social distancing and staying at home to limit the spread of this virus. However, we want to ask — is that enough?

At the time of writing this post, 44 medical personnel have died fighting the virus and this number continues to grow. Let us all begin to think and behave as part of the FRONTLINE to fight COVID-19. The importance of this cannot be overstated, as it plays a major role in suppressing the spread of COVID-19. Ideally, medical personnel should become the LAST LINE in charge of saving lives and preventing the spread of this virus.

The main needs of the medical team at this time are not only medical devices or PPE. There is one more main factor that can be crucial in fighting the coronavirus in Indonesia, namely Rapid Test two Antibody serum, which is a more accurate and faster test, but it is very rare and the price is very expensive. As a result, it’s not just patients who can’t be diagnosed quickly, oftentimes, it is our medical guard who can’t even do a test for themselves.

Therefore on April 6, 2020, Tokoin began the TokoinCare movement in collaboration with Prevent Homedik, a company engaged in the field of medical diagnostic Rapid Test equipment in Indonesia, raising donations to provide “1000 Rapid Test Kits” for the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), which will be distributed to medical personnel in the field as the first phase of this movement.

Next, we will begin the second phase on a much larger scale. We urge and invite other colleagues and entrepreneurs to take part in strengthening our medical line team in the special movement to procure Rapid Tests for IDI. Our business is losing money, our finances are disrupted, but that is no reason for entrepreneurs to ignore the moral responsibility to help the country!

Are you moved to help us push the medical team to the LAST LINE? Please join us in the role of the FRONT LINE workers in the fight against the spread of this deadly coronavirus.

For donations from Indonesian citizens, we will be using PeduliSehat online platform, and for global donations, cryptocurrency will be used as a medium via blockchain technology. The use of blockchain will ensure that the platform is open to trans-national donations with minimum or no transaction charges. This platform will be completely transparent and secure, and every penny will be accounted for in the public domain.

Indonesian citizens:
TokoinCare X IDI

Wallet Address

*we only accept ETH & USDT cryptocurrency



Tokoin Official

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