Tokoin’s Partnership

Joined Forces between a Silicon Valley Project and Tokoin to Bring the Commerce 3.0 Future for Indonesian MSMEs

The decentralized commerce known as Commerce 3.0 is coming to Indonesia! Thanks to the partnership between the most prominent Indonesian project, Tokoin, and the Silicon Valley project.

Tokoin Official
5 min readOct 1, 2019

The business market has been manipulated and driven primarily by the giants in the space, who have capital backing and access to resources that small and medium scale enterprises just cannot compete with. However, with a shift in the general business landscape fueled by innovation in technology, the era of Commerce 3.0 has started. With the increasing popularity of the idea of decentralization and the token model of business, more MSMEs are finally able to operate at par with the bigger businesses. The next phase of commerce will be driven by decentralized networks and structures that can have multiple stakeholders at an equal footing.

Tokoin, the most prominent blockchain project in Indonesia, is heavily involved in this process of transition that could benefit the MSMEs. With the use of blockchain technology and the knowledge of tokenomics, Tokoin is helping MSMEs realize their true potential and adopt to new and optimum business models with minimum cost and maximum benefit. With the beginning of the era of decentralization, it is important to empower communities in order to facilitate a smooth transition for them to the Commerce 3.0 model, without being left behind. With this in mind, Tokoin is joining forces with a project based in Silicon Valley: SesameOpen.

What is Commerce 3.0?

Purchasing things has been made easy in the era of e-commerce, or Commerce 2.0. However, the e-commerce era is full of flaws that may have been overlooked for too long. Commerce 2.0 is centralized, which means that all the data of products and customers are managed and controlled by the e-commerce platform themselves, such as Amazon in the USA or Alibaba in China. This allows those platforms to feature their own products over other sellers’, gain excessive personal information about buyers and do with it as they want, implement payment methods that charge a high fee that cuts the profits of sellers as a cost of selling on large online platforms, and not to mention the risk of goods getting lost or stolen during shipping.

Fortunately, Commerce 3.0 is rising with no more of those flaws! As decentralized commerce, Commerce 3.0 utilizes blockchain technology that offers immutability, security, and anonymity. With no centralized entity that monitors everything, it makes room for an increase of privacy and a decrease of control for buyers, fair competition for sellers, and products stored in countless warehouses around the world without any delivery hassle It’s all about a network of stores, buyers, and sellers; maximizing both local profit and global economy.

What is SesameOpen, the Famous Commerce 3.0 from Silicon Valley?

Silicon Valley has been known to be the birthplace of numerous giant technology companies, as well as the birth of a new industrial revolution. Starting from the birth of Facebook, Apple, eBay, Paypal, Twitter, Intel, Netflix, and many more established companies whose names must undoubtedly be familiar to anyone’s ears.

Adding to that list, SesameOpen is a Silicon Valley project that is moving ahead with the same vision of powering communities to keep up with the rapidly changing times. Essentially, SesameOpen is a protocol that is working towards powering communities to create the $100T+ economy of Commerce 3.0 and embrace the era of decentralized commerce. They are a middle-layer protocol between the blockchain layer and commerce-related Dapps.

SesameOpen is not just another project in Silicon Valley. Co-founded by two experienced MBA-graduates and professionals in their field, Brandon Bidlack and Henry He, the project is in the right hands. With both of them having handled significant positions in prominent companies such as Hewlett-Packard, TeleNav, OpenTable, MyTime for Brandon and Google, Comcast, GSR Ventures, TeleNav for Henry; there is no better place for SesameOpen to grow other than in Silicon Valley, as their future is big and bright.

SesameOpen’s protocol creates a decentralized network of sellers, buyers, and communities who are incentivized to transact with each other within the protocol. With decentralized commerce, one can witness a drastic reduction in fraud owing to the transparency and reliability of blockchain technology. There is increased anonymity for sellers and buyers without the associated problems for both parties. Digitization and decentralization have effectuated a much more efficient system of transactions that also covers cross-border transactions. Power is finally in the hands of those who are producing the goods, as opposed to any middlemen. Commerce 3.0 would ideally enable a community-owned and operated commerce crypto network, which cannot be monopolized by the big businesses.

What the Partnership Offers to the Market

Blockchain is inevitable. In order to survive and be a big player in the market, companies need to either adapt or adopt. The Indonesian market, especially MSMEs in Indonesia, will be more than lucky to be the first ones to receive the opportunity to adapt to the latest technology advancement in the world, that comes as a result of the partnership of Tokoin and SesameOpen. This partnership that brings Commerce 3.0 to a local scope carries more than a mere spark of hope, but a tangible future for commerce in Indonesia like never before; more reliable, faster to conduct transactions, secure and more decentralized than ever.

As for SesameOpen, tapping into the Indonesian market by partnering with Tokoin is a very strategic move. In order to tap into the Indonesian market, SesameOpen collaborates with Tokoin that already has the networks of hundreds and thousands of MSMEs all around Indonesia. The company will also collaborate with Tokoin in order to spread its network in Indonesia.

This partnership will not only make Tokoin bring the implementation of blockchain for MSMEs in creating their credit scoring, but it will also allow them to take ownership of the entire commerce channel, without compromising their quality. With this partnership, Tokoin will once again be the first in Indonesia to bring highly advanced technology to benefit MSMEs.



Tokoin Official

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