Tokoin’s Program

Making Blockchain Mainstream: Tokoin Campus Meetups & TokoKnights, Educating 67% Who Have Never Heard about Blockchain.. and Still Counting!

In effort to make blockchain mainstream among the young generation for the good of an advanced future, Tokoin has successfully educated 67% who have never heard about blockchain, and still counting through Tokoin Campus Meetups & TokoKnights.

Tokoin Official
4 min readFeb 24, 2020

As a pioneering global blockchain startup based in Indonesia, Tokoin aspires to not only go on a worldwide act, but also to contribute to its origin country.

Acknowledging the fact that blockchain isn’t a common thing yet, Tokoin aims to contribute in educating the public, especially the young generation who are the future of the nation. Without them understanding the relevant technology necessary to thrive in Industry 4.0 and forward, it would be such a waste not to unlock the great potential that lies among the Indonesian youth.

Tokoin Campus Meetups

Since the end of 2019, Tokoin has been holding Tokoin Campus Meetup in various universities in Indonesia. From almost 200 total attendees of these meetups, 91% are students, 4% employees, 2% entrepreneurs, and 2% with other occupations. Although Tokoin Campus Meetup has been held only at 4 universities as the venues so far, we have reached students from 14 different universities and from 10 different university majors as the attendees. Those universities are Perbanas Institute, STIKS Tarakanita, STT PLN, Pelita Harapan University, UPN Veteran, Mercu Buana University, UIN Lampung, Muhammadiyah University, STIE Insan Pembangunan, Bunda Mulia University, Sepuluh Nopember Technology Institute, University of Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia), Institut Teknologi Surabaya, and Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

Among all the attendees who attended the meetups, 67% of them have never heard about blockchain before. This technically means, Tokoin has successfully educated a large percentage of the public who knew nothing about blockchain before, but now they understand!

Tokoin has visited these 5 universities and spoken there regarding public education about blockchain:

1. Perbanas Institute

On November 5, 2019, Tokoin’s Community Manager was invited to be the main speaker at a seminar organized by the student body of Perbanas Institute, with the theme of “Making Blockchain Mainstream: What Will Industry 4.0 Actually Bring to Our Lives?”

2. Universitas Indonesia

In collaboration with EXCITE 2019 by the student body of extended Faculty of Economics & Business at Universitas Indonesia, Tokoin’s General Manager spoke at a seminar on November 16, 2019, with the theme of “Get Ready to be Active, Adaptive, and Successful in the Era of 4.0 Industrial Revolution and Digitalization”. Speaking alongside 2 other speakers from tech companies whose products fall under Industry 4.0, Tokoin specifically educated about blockchain.

3. Institut Teknologi Surabaya

Besides universities in Jakarta, Tokoin also made sure that blockchain education isn’t centralized in one city only. On November 25, 2019, Tokoin’s Community Manager was invited to speak at the open house session of the university’s Technology Management Master’s degree study program. During the open house, Tokoin spoke under the theme of “Making Blockchain Mainstream: Blockchain is Happening, How Can We Adapt to It?”

4. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)

Everyone wants to be a successful entrepreneur, but getting left behind in terms of technology might push one back in such a technological era. Thus, Tokoin’s COO contributed to educate the public at Milestart 2020 at Universitas Negeri Jakarta on January 11, 2020 with the the theme of “How to Survive & Be A Successful Entrepreneur in Era 4.0”, especially through blockchain.

5. Universitas Indonesia

Coming back to the University of Indonesia for the second time on February 13, 2020, this time Tokoin reached a different audience. If the first time was in collaboration with EXCITE 2019, this time was in collaboration with Studentpreneur, a nationwide business event, including competitions and national seminar. The theme that Tokoin’s COO spoke under was “Growing SMEs’ Competitive Advantage through Emerging Technology”.

Tokoin Campus Ambassador (TokoKnights)

As an extended effort to educate the youth, Tokoin went further than speaking at seminars and meetups. Tokoin has launched a new program called TokoKnights, a campus ambassador program, where selected representatives from Indonesian universities will take part in making blockchain mainstream. In this program, students of universities in Indonesia will act as representatives of Tokoin. In return, they will get a reward incentive, official recommendation letter and certificate from Tokoin’s C-level, also networking opportunities, and experience working directly with a startup, and last but not least, a chance to intern at Tokoin office!

So far, the selection process has passed. The selected ones have attended the kick-off meeting and mentoring sessions. Not only the ones in Jakarta, but also those who joined from out of the city via online call. Tokoin believes in the importance of educating the young generation in Indonesia, and Tokoin Campus Meetup and TokoKnights are part of the efforts. Here’s to making blockchain mainstream!



Tokoin Official

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