Tokoin’s Partnership

TOKO Addition on ShuttleOne Wallet: Now You Can Liquidate Your TOKO Token Into Cash!

Tokoin Official
3 min readSep 13, 2019

TOKO token has passed the wallet testing phase and been added to ShuttleOne Wallet, one of the remarkable features of Tokoin’s strategic partner, ShuttleOne. This enables users, including MSMEs, to liquidate TOKO tokens into local currencies.

On June 2019, Tokoin partnered up with ShuttleOne, a technology-driven internet company with a mission to transform how people interact with finance. Led by Mr. HongZhuang Lim who also takes the role of an advisor for Tokoin, ShuttleOne works to reduce the friction between digital assets and local currencies. The solutions that they offer are on the basis of fintech blockchain technology, occupying its place in the same industry as Tokoin, the blockchain industry. Being in the same industry is not the only correspondence that Tokoin and ShuttleOne share, as the focus of both is on empowering developing communities that are underpinned by digital assets, including MSMEs, and how to bring advancement to that particular sector.

With a high level of compatibility in terms of the mission and focus of both companies, this partnership between Tokoin and ShuttleOne went beyond just marketing collaboration. This time, the tangible action of valuable technology exchange was taken, which is the addition of TOKO token on ShuttleOne wallet.

ShuttleOne Wallet Interface

What Is ShuttleOne Wallet?

The ShuttleOne wallet is one of the most remarkable features of this Singapore-based company. This feature is a way of how they bring their tagline “making money easier” into reality, by plugging into core banking activities, digitizing and tokenizing savings, as well as lending and value transfer in their partnerships.

As a partner of ShuttleOne, Tokoin’s very own TOKO token has recently been added to the ShuttleOne wallet. This addition is guaranteed as it has gone through the phase of wallet testing on ShuttleOne Wallet, as shown on the following screenshots.

ShuttleOne Wallet Interface
ShuttleOne Wallet Interface

Why TOKO on ShuttleOne Wallet?

ShuttleOne Wallet has a very distinctive attribute that makes it win over other similar inventions, which is the liquidity. With the addition of TOKO token on ShuttleOne wallet, this allows Tokoin to extend its instant exchange technology of ShuttleOne to its merchants in a very concrete way: for users to liquidate TOKO into cash. On the other hand, aligning with the main mission of Tokoin which is to help MSMEs, this also opens up the increasingly lucrative Indonesian market for the ShuttleOne team.

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