Is it possible to learn Martial Arts on my own?

3 min readJan 11, 2023

Step right in if you’ve found yourself continuously admiring martial artists like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Chuck Norris and want to learn how to be like them.

Without a doubt, you may learn martial arts from the comfort of your own home by studying instructional books and viewing instructional videos. Although you might be able to teach yourself the fundamentals, you will need the assistance of a more knowledgeable tutor to become a master.

You need to be aware of the kind of martial arts training you want to pursue. With more clarity, you’ll be able to better adapt your study materials to the kind of martial art talent you want to acquire. Here’s how to train oneself martial arts after you’ve clarified that.

Study the Methods

The best approach to study martial arts is to locate a teacher that you can observe and pick up tips from. However, there are various approaches you may use if you’ve made the decision to practise martial arts on your own, like;

Crash classes in martial arts and research into your selected style.

We encourage you to first do some research on the martial arts style you choose in order to enrol in the classes that are best for you.

Look for crash courses

You may always enrol in a crash course to study the fundamentals of martial arts so that you are familiar with them before you begin training.

You can gain a theoretical grasp of the approaches’ operation with this course.

Learn a Fun and Simple Martial Art on Your Own

Now that you’ve made the decision to learn martial arts on your own, there are three simple techniques you may choose from. These disciplines are the safest and simplest to practise within the group.


The easiest Martial Arts West Sacramento to learn is by far boxing. In contrast to kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA, karate, etc., boxing simply uses your hands to hit and your feet to move about.

Don’t get me wrong — boxing is a very demanding and physically taxing sport. Competitive boxing requires a lot of different skills, including power, endurance, timing, and precision, as well as physical characteristics like a long reach and a strong chin.


The finest martial art for one-on-one combat is without a doubt BJJ. Even Martial Arts West Sacramento athletes rely heavily on BJJ in these circumstances. BJJ focuses on employing joint manipulations or chokeholds to force the opponent to submit and end the battle (armbars, kimuras, leg locks, neck cranks, etc). BJJ is the best martial art for self-defense because of this.

Muay Thai

Fighters in Muay Thai utilise the clinch to strike their opponent with elbows and knees, control him by disrupting his stance, and sweep or trip him. In Martial Arts West Sacramento opinion, clinching is one of the most crucial abilities you need for self-defense.


Sanda fighters are therefore more diverse than kickboxers and boxers. However, there is no room for ground combat or head elbows, which as Martial Arts West Sacramento already indicated, experts believe to be incredibly effective weapons for self-defense.


Judo was created to be the pinnacle of grappling techniques. Throws and takedowns, as well as ground combat and submissions, are all used in judo. But as the sport developed, it became obvious that you could concentrate on both ground combat and stand-up grappling (takedowns/throws) and be proficient at both.

Combat Sambo

Contrarily, combat sambo concentrates on takedowns, particularly judo throws, which, as we’ve already seen, are incredibly powerful in a street battle. All types of attacks are permitted in combat sambo, including punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and even headbutts. It is a fantastic sport for self-defense since it combines all of those techniques with judo throws, wrestling takedowns, submissions (chokes, kimuras, armbars, leg locks), and ground-and-pound.


Even though I’ve included the martial arts that are the simplest to learn, you shouldn’t assume that you can just slack off and put in the bare minimum of work and expect to get the most out of it. If you want to get a decent return on your investment and improve your skill level, you’ll still need to work hard and put in the time with help of Self-defense Classes in Sacramento.

