Inertia tastes delicious, then I wake up

6 min readSep 13, 2020

Well hi!

I hope that you and yours are safe and well.

I’m…good. Yeah, good…now.

I’m trying to step outside of my emotional cave, in part pulled by the need to create. I’m not saying that being creative is a cure for everything. But I feel the urge to make something can be strong enough to build the ladder and start climbing out.

I’m also gently pursued by loved ones who were listening when I said I would create consistently, and so they consistently remind me. It’s almost at the point where I hesitate to check my messages, but I know deep down I asked them to keep me accountable, so that’s on me.

This kind of accountability creates equal parts anxiety and gratitude. I am so grateful for those dear ones who raise their hands to let me know they’re waiting, yet they still wait patiently and don’t push too hard as I make my slow way out.

❤️ to y’all!

As a way to help if you have the podcast creator itch, here are some notes and resources that I found useful when creating hello human show, my podcast:

1. Figuring out the project look and feel

I wanted to create graphics that feel good. So, rather than agonizing over color meanings, or color harmony, or any of that, I simply went with what I like.

I have always loved cobalt blue.




creativity & self-development writer.❤️good books, good music, good art, Good Omens. atheist.