5 Handy Tips to Disconnect from Work While Working from Home

3 min readDec 21, 2020

How to Disconnect After Shift Hours While Working from Home
Now that most of us shave stopped going to offices based at office space on lease in IT park Gurgaon or elsewhere, it has become increasingly difficult to disconnect from work after the shift ends. Working from home for office seems like the lines between personal and professional lives are blurring and everything is overlapping into each other. Achieving work-life balance for most of us is a challenge and others too working in any commercial space for lease in India.

To have a seamless division of work and personal life and avoid overstepping into each other, here are some useful tips that will help you switch off from work after the shift ends. Read till the end to know every ounce of it:

  1. Segment Work & Life Identities

As much as we all try to separate our work and personal identities, 2020 has been nothing else but a big challenge for all. It is best to have a set identity for the work and post-work life and not to switch identities or merge each other.

What a person is or behaves at work is entirely different from what he is in personal space. if these identities are respected and kept separate, it will help in switching off from work after the shift ends to smoothly migrate into the personal area later.

2. Have an Environment Change

Try and make a conscious effort to change your environment after the shift ends. If your home office has sharp artificial lighting, make sure you manoeuvre to a soft and warm environment with dim lighting and some music of your choice. It helps the brain to disconnect form the work setting and step into the personal space at home. Try and also change your clothes to something more ‘homesy’ like a PJ or a relaxed evening robe.

3. Unplug the Cords

No, we don’t mean anything electrical here! Unplugging the cord simply means you log out from the work email or instant messenger once your shift is over. If that’s not an option, you can even mute the notifications from all work-related apps to have a calm and peaceful time for yourself.

If you’re a team lead and a team look up to you, make sure you’re making a conscious effort to silence the pressure and move out of the ‘hustle.’ Respect everyone’s personal space to have a perfect work-life balance.

4. Distract Yourself with Home Chores

After you’ve ended your shift, make a routine of your personal life. Start by clearing away the coffee mugs and dishes from your table and washing them away. Make your bed, take your pet out for walk, grab a snack, read a book, or simply spend some time with yourself looking out of the window. This all helps a great deal in restoring a perfect work-life balance.

5. Cook Up a Meal

Cooking is therapeutic and is a beautiful activity to indulge in after your work shift ends. One of the best parts about working form home is the time you save on the commuting hours which gives you enough room for preparing a meal from scratch. Reward your body and mind with a hearty meal of your choice. This will also push you through the day and keep you motivated.

These little work-life balance tips prove to be immensely beneficial or prevents you from getting bogged down by work. Ake sure you weave them in your everyday routine to have a clear integrator.

