Kubernetes: Orchestrating Containers with Ease

An introduction to Kubernetes and its components

Tolu Banji
8 min readMar 12, 2024

Containers have swiftly become a foundation block of modern application deployment. In our previous discussion, we looked at how containers offer an approach to encapsulating an application and its dependencies, ensuring consistent readiness for service across various computing environments.

As we advance in this series, it is time to introduce Kubernetes, the orchestration platform that seamlessly manages these containers. Kubernetes ably coordinates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, much like an architect overseeing the construction of a complex building. This introduction serves as the gateway to understanding how Kubernetes simplifies but also amplifies the capabilities of container technology. Now let’s prepare to peel back the layers of this orchestration platform and grasp how it’s reshaping the Software development lifecycle landscape.

Introducing Kubernetes (K8s)

Suppose you’re new to the world of container management and have ever wondered how leading tech companies effortlessly deploy and scale their applications. In that case, Kubernetes might be what you’re looking for.

Kubernetes, commonly called K8s, was developed at Google and is now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It has become one of the mainstays in container orchestration due to its robust features and ever-growing active community support

As an open-source platform for container orchestration, Kubernetes simplifies the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, which means that Kubernetes helps you manage applications that are made up of hundreds or maybe thousands of containers. It helps you manage them across various deployment landscapes, from on-premises hardware to virtualized environments and cloud platforms, as well as in hybrid systems.

The Problem and Kubernetes as a Solution

The evolution of application architectures into microservices has drastically led to an increase in container usage. Microservices offer the flexibility of developing, deploying, and updating each service independently, aligning with the agile needs of modern businesses. As a result, the deployment frequency of these containers has surged, presenting new complexities in managing them effectively.

With the volume of containerized microservices rising, the manual task of orchestrating these containers has become unfeasible. Ensuring consistency and maintaining uptime demanded a more sophisticated approach. This led to the development of advanced orchestration tools capable of managing this gap.

Container orchestration is the automated process of managing the life cycles of containers. Much like a traffic controller ensures the smooth flow of vehicles, container orchestration ensures containers operate cohesively, are scaled properly, and communicate efficiently.

Kubernetes handles the scheduling and deployment of containers, ensuring they’re running and interacting harmoniously. it automates scaling by adjusting the number of active containers to match the workload, ensuring resource efficiency. It also oversees operational tasks such as traffic management and service discovery, allowing developers to deploy rolling updates with zero downtime. In essence, Kubernetes is the central nervous system of container operations, infusing stability into application management.

Of course, K8s is not the only orchestration platform out there, others include Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos, and Marathon.

Benefits of using Kubernetes

Kubernetes stands out primarily thanks to its scalability, high availability, and security features.

Scalability is one of Kubernetes’ most fascinating attributes. It handles the demands of scaling applications seamlessly, whether they are experiencing unpredictable traffic surges or predictable, high-velocity growth. Kubernetes does this through horizontal scaling — adding more pods to handle increased load — and vertical scaling — allocating more resources to existing pods.

High availability is achieved in Kubernetes by distributing containers across a cluster of servers, safeguarding against failures and ensuring that services are accessible to users at all times. Traditional deployment models typically rely on redundant hardware or virtual machines to achieve similar uptime, which can be costlier and less efficient.

Security within Kubernetes is tightly woven through its architecture. It provides strong isolation between applications, granular policy controls, and the ability to store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys. Deploy and update secrets and application configuration without rebuilding your container images.
Kubernetes’ approach to security is more intrinsic to traditional methods, where security is often a perimeter-based afterthought, leading to potential vulnerabilities.

Enhancing the trio of benefits — scalability, high availability, and security — is Kubernetes’ self-healing capability.

Self-Healing: Kubernetes continuously monitors the state of its pods and nodes. If a container crashes or a node fails, Kubernetes immediately initiates a replacement within the cluster, striving to maintain the desired state specified by the deployment configurations and uninterrupted service.

Incorporating these self-healing processes, Kubernetes reduces the operational burden typically associated with maintaining system stability. This proactive approach to maintaining system health is part of what sets Kubernetes apart from conventional deployment methodologies.

Basic Architecture of Kubernetes (K8s)

The architecture of Kubernetes is a designed framework that orchestrates containerized applications across a cluster of machines. It relies on a master-worker architecture, where the master node oversees the cluster and worker nodes execute the tasks. This structured approach ensures applications run efficiently, scale dynamically, and recover from failures. Now, let’s dissect the fundamental components of this architecture.

Pods: The Atomic Unit of Kubernetes

Pods are the smallest and most basic deployable units in Kubernetes. Consider them the single seeds from which applications germinate in the Kubernetes environment. Each pod represents a single instance of running processes in your cluster and can contain one or several tightly coupled containers. They are short-lived by nature, created and destroyed to match the system’s state as dictated by the master nod. Pods facilitate the deployment of applications by encapsulating the application’s environment — code, runtime, and dependencies into a single unit of execution.

Nodes: The Worker Machines

Nodes are the workhorses of the Kubernetes cluster, the physical or virtual machines running the applications. Each node is managed by the master, equipped to handle the pods’ operational tasks. They provide the necessary resources to the pods, like memory, CPU, and storage, ensuring that the applications housed within the pods are active and operational. Nodes are monitored and managed for health and connectivity by the master node.

Cluster: The Beehive of Kubernetes

As the name suggests, a cluster is a combination of nodes made of at least one node. A cluster pools all its resources together and works similarly to a hivemind. If there’s a discrepancy in one node, the cluster takes care of that and doesn’t let it affect the application.

Services: The Kubernetes Networking Layer

Services within Kubernetes serve as the backbone for networking, enabling seamless communication between the various components of an application, both internally and externally. By abstracting how pods communicate, services ensure that this communication is reliable, irrespective of the pods’ deployment or replication. Services effectively serve as the internal post office for the cluster, ensuring that requests find their way to the correct pods, even as these pods are created or retired. Services keep the traffic flowing between microservices with the cluster and from the outside world to the cluster.

Deployments: Managing Pods and Updates

Deployments in Kubernetes are the steward of the desired state of your applications. This component allows you to define the desired state of their application. They are responsible for updating the application to a new version, maintaining a specified number of pod replicas, and enabling rollback to a previous version if needed. Essentially, deployments automate managing the application’s progression and scalability within the Kubernetes ecosystem.

For more information about concepts, visit the Kubernetes docs

Understanding Kubernetes often leads to questions about its compatibility and use cases. In the FAQ section below, we address some of these questions, offering insights into Kubernetes’ operational flexibility.

FAQ on Kubernetes

Q: Can Kubernetes run on any platform?

A: Kubernetes is highly versatile and can run across several platforms — cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environments. This adaptability is key to its widespread use and management of diverse workloads.

Q: Can I use Kubernetes without Docker?

A: Kubernetes is container runtime-agnostic and can manage various containers, not just Docker. This provides flexibility to choose the most suitable container runtime for your needs.

Q: Is Kubernetes suitable only for large-scale applications?

A: Kubernetes is scalable and can manage applications of any size. It’s designed to scale with your infrastructure, making it a good fit for both small startups and large enterprises.

Q: Can Kubernetes be used only for microservices?

A: While Kubernetes is often associated with microservices because it excels in managing them, it’s not limited to this architecture. You can also use Kubernetes for monolithic applications and other workload types.

Q: How can Kubernetes be monitored?

A: Tools like Prometheus are commonly used for monitoring Kubernetes. They can track the state and performance of containers and help ensure smooth operations.

For more detailed information, you can explore comprehensive Kubernetes guides or courses that delve into these topics further.


Hoping that this article has scratched the surface of Kubernetes, my objective was to make you familiar with what Kubernetes is and does.

There’s no denying that this container orchestration platform is incredibly versatile and can be customized to meet the unique needs of different applications and organizations, therefore it’s a valuable platform to utilize.

As we’ve covered the WHAT part as an overview, upcoming articles will guide you to the HOW parts. Our next article promises to be both enlightening and practical. A guide through creating your Kubernetes cluster would be both enlightening and practical, marking the beginning of a hands-on journey into container orchestration.

Join us as we continue to explore the depths of Kubernetes, one pod at a time. Stay tuned!

