Global technology executive Tom Keane has more than two decades of experience leading engineering teams and business units. He does this on an international level through his work as corporate vice president, head of product and engineering at Microsoft. Keane helps teams solve some of the company's toughest, most high-profile issues. His deep expertise in product development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing means he’s prepared for the next challenge.

Keane is an adviser to the senior leadership team at Microsoft and presents to the board of directors. He has a proven track record of creating new products that generate growth for the company and provide value to customers. His reputation is one of strategic thinking and innovation. His work in building strong teams shows his care and commitment to Microsoft and its future.

Tom Keane has lived and worked in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia. He has a comprehensive understanding of worldwide technology markets that helps fuel what Microsoft offers. Through commercial enterprises and work with different governments, he’s driven business growth and customer satisfaction.

As the winner of the 2021 Pinnacle Award for Cloud Industry Executive of the Year from WashingtonExec, Tom Keane embodies the spirit of creating and developing successful initiatives to improve worldwide cloud capabilities.

Keane is passionate about digital sovereignty and has built technology and products that navigate highly complex regulatory environments. He’s led engineers, data scientists, and product managers, as well as the Microsoft Vanguard" initiative, which spanned more than 15,000 engineers and 500 teams.

Tom Keane's guidance helped the company's teams solve significant challenges and explore new opportunities. Making these moves in high visible environments meant careful attention to detail from the very beginning. He’s worked closely with the president, CEO, chief financial officer, and others in senior leadership at Microsoft for more than 10 years. With a focus on key projects and the company's cloud business, cloud services revenue is proliferating.

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Tom Keane

Tom Keane

21-year Microsoft Developer and Manager | Seattle, Washington