Simple Token OST Alpha III — Chattify

3 min readAug 10, 2018


This is our final post for the Simple Token challenge to make a proof of concept that uses the OST APIs including the new Embedded Wallet APIs. I’ve made a chat app called Chattify that lets users exchange our branded token during chats. For future developments it would be nice to add “user to company” transactions, to enable for example purchases of stickers in the app.

Having a token economy in a chat app obviously enables easy “user to user”, “user to company” and “company to user” exchange of value. Such a token economy could increase user retention through various means. For example users could earn tokens from Chattify by sharing the app or using it on a regular basis.

The key goal for the POC was to get the chats and token exchanges between users fully working and also integrate with the Wallet API. With these basics in place more can be added in the future.

The wallet is very simple, just showing tokens received and sent. Though there’s a lot more data returned in the Ledger responses, we don’t need it on the user interface. The app uses the transaction, balance and ledger APIs.

The app shows the current balance and for the token transactions just the from user, the amount and how long ago the transaction occurred. Showing the user the blockchain address has no use right now, may be in the future it will.

There are some simple arrows showing the direction of the transaction flow — in or out. Again I kept the UI simple. It’s been fast to get things up and running with the API. I think any app developer can integrate quite easily. I think the challenge in using the wallet APIs is to combine any locally stored app data e.g. usernames or transaction type names with the raw ledger transaction data. In most cases this is shouldn’t be a problem.

