Four Reasons to Turn On Your Webcam During Video Calls

“Webcams On” cultures are beneficial for both employees and organizations.

Tom Jessessky
3 min readMar 14, 2019
Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

I work for a company that has a mix of remote and office workers. Therefore, we operate as though we are a 100% distributed workforce — every meeting is a Zoom video conference, and Slack is our patron saint of internal communication.

In the world of video calls, there are two types of cultures: “Webcams On” and “Webcams Off.”

I’ve worked in both, and the “Webcams On” culture is far superior for both the employees and the company. Here’s why I believe everyone should strive to turn on their webcams.

For remote workers, it reduces the feeling of isolation

It’s no secret: working from home can be very isolating. Feelings of isolation are consistently reported as one of the biggest complaints in surveys of remote workers. I’ve experienced this feeling firsthand and can attest to the difference the webcam makes.

When working from home, it’s easy to feel like you’re on your own. Seeing your coworkers’ faces on a video call — whether they’re across town or in a different hemisphere — reduces the feeling of isolation. It makes you feel like you have a team. A team of real…



Tom Jessessky

Analyst with opinions writing about opinions and analyses.