How To Generate More Referrals For Your Business — Top 4 Tips

Digital Market Media
5 min readJul 31, 2019
How To Generate More Referrals

Whether it be over lunch with family, on Twitter or Instagram for marketing, or via FaceTime with friends, 2.4 million conversations take place every day about brands.

This means people talk about your company now more than ever. In fact, 83% of people seek advice/opinions from friends or family before making their final purchasing decision.

So what does this mean for sales? One word: referrals.

While you no doubt already understand the importance of referrals for your business and are taking steps to get more of them for your sales team, this guide will help you refine your referral generation process even further, and apply some more complex methods for getting more referrals.

Essentially, it isn’t about asking for referrals more often — you are already doing this as best you can. Instead, generating more referrals is about asking at better times and in different ways in order to capitalize on your clients’ existing networks.

4 Tips to Maximize Your Sales Teams’ Referrals

1. Use Positive Momentum When the Time is Right

If you ask them, most people who don’t close a sale with you will have a referral to give, and they will do…

