It’s time to modernise TV election coverage.

3 min readSep 28, 2014

The rebel in me enjoyed the announcement that Jeremy Paxman would be fronting Channel 4’s election night coverage.

I love Channel 4 News. The team are contrarian, often swimming against the media tide. And they’re dogged in their pursuit of stories without seeming ‘worthy’.

Yet the announcement has been gnawing away at me for over a week. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Then it hit me.

You don’t have to be a posh sounding older bloke to be a TV anchor in an election but, oh wait a minute, you do.

TV news, specifically the senior political reporting roles is, with notable exceptions, a white man’s profession, usually a posh sounding middle class man.

I can see the corporate affairs people at the channels shielding themselves behind their Emily Maitlisses and Kay Burleys but when it comes to elections, they play secondary roles to the men sitting in the seats in front of camera.

And sitting next to the men in the centre seat will be an small army of academics and pollsters, most of them middle class white men too. Jon Curtice, Phil Cowley, Colin Rallings, Peter Kellner and Bob Worcerster — all brilliant, all men.

TV election coverage is stuck in the 1950s.

They’ve got rid of the mechanical swingometer but the basic format hasn’t changed: fatherly male holding the show together with an array of clever men providing analysis and ‘tough’ interviews with winning and losing politicians.

Professional women reporters get the secondary roles of broadcasting from interesting counts and providing vox pop interviews that add the colour to the show. If they’re lucky, professional female reporters will get to give a studio update on the results to the TV audience.

Does this sound harsh? Maybe.

But imagine election night TV with Martha Carney, Cathy Newman and Kay Burley anchoring the programmes. It would be a completely different look and feel to election night.

You probably can’t imagine it though because it’s not going to happen.

We have 75 year old David Dimbleby (BBC), 62 year old Alistair Stewart (ITV), and now 64 year old Jeremy Paxman (Channel 4). I’m not sure what Sky will be doing on election night but suspect the fight for the main seat will be between Adam Boulton and Dermot Murnaghan.

I’m also not being ageist here, I want more older people on telly. Yet it is almost always only older men that get in front of the camera as the brave Miram O’Reilly has proved.

I love all these men, particularly Dimbleby and Paxman — they take me back to childhood, when politics was beginning to arouse my curiosity.

I love Bagpuss and The Clangers too but Children’s BBC has a markedly different format and content to the days of ‘watch with mother’.

TV election coverage needs modernising. Accepting women should play leadership roles is an important part of the required reforms.

I feel guilty writing this article. Alistair Stewart is a legend and he embraces social media better than any other TV anchor.

I don’t want to put poor Alistair out of work but I suspect he knows that the all male club that runs TV election coverage needs a shake up.

As things stand, if the TV leaders debates ever take place, they’ll be chaired by men too. It’s men, men, men. All men.

We may be too late to change the hot seat for election night coverage but not for the election leaders debates.

The shortlist for hosting the leaders debates is probably: David Dimbleby, Jonathan Dimbleby, Huw Edwards, Andrew Neil, Alistair Stewart, Jeremy Paxman, Gary Gibbon, Nick Robinson, Tom Bradby and Norman Smith.

Contrast this list to the alternatives: Cathy Newman, Martha Carney, Emily Maitliss, Julie Etchingham, Kay Burley, Laura Kuenssberg, Sophie Rayworth, Kirsty Walk and Caroline Quinn.

When you read them, you see just what a difference more women in TV will make to the look, feel, language and tone of election night coverage.

TV controllers you have nothing to lose but the men men in grey suits. Please modernise TV election coverage.




According to the Sun newspaper, Watson is a fundamentalist zealot who denounces any deviation from socialism. Also author of a book on corruption by NewsCorp.