Took me 5 years to understand why I can’t stick to anything I start

Toma Chasijeva
3 min readDec 6, 2023


True story. I’ve been talking about building my own business for 5 years and I’m yet to do so. In those 5 years that I’ve been talking about it, I have created around 7 Instagram accounts, 3 TikTok accounts and built 5 websites. Currently, I have 1 Instagram account that I post on with no strategy in mind, 1 TikTok account that has 0 posts on and no websites.

Awful stats, and no results.

Something happened yesterday and it’s like my eyes have been opened. I came across Gary Brecka’s talk on TikTok where he was explaining how human’s body generates energy. He was talking about the scientific experiment that was conducted in Germany and eventually, he asked the audience what they thought was the feeling that produced the higher frequency.

The immediate answer in my head was gratitude. You know the whole be grateful for what you’ve got and you’ll receive more of it.

I was wrong.

It’s Authenticity.

Be authentic and people will feel it no doubt. That was the moment when I realised that the lack of it is the biggest contributor to my unsuccessful attempts. The only thing I achieved over the years is the status of copycat (and not a very good either).

The times when people really valued my contribution was the times when I was true to myself. I believed what I said, I believed what I did, I shared my own views and ideas and I didn’t need to fake it. The biggest win was increased self-esteem and the the understanding that I have supported someone.

I don’t know about you, but when I see the videos on TikTok or Instagram using the exact same script or doing the exact same thing, it actually makes me cringe a bit.

It’s the same with anything you do in life! Whether it’s a business idea, a trip you plan, a content you produce, a party you organise… literally anything. Use other people’s ideas as inspiration, but stay unique, do things your way and that will get you so much further than copying every step of someone’s success plan.

When you copying someone else’s plan, you can’t move forward until they make the next step, because you have no idea what you should do. But when you do things your way, you can be creative, you can make a move whenever it feels right and the best thing is that you provide a new, different perspective that people can learn from.

I’m working on it now and I hope you will too!



Toma Chasijeva

CEO of making crazy life decisions. I write about human behaviour that I've learnt in my life.