Against all odds.

Samar Tomar
1 min readJul 9, 2017


Sometimes, there is a situation where we have to take some decision which is very crucial and a lot of things are on stake and depends on the outcome, an experienced person look inside himself and recollect all of his experience and take a decision. The decision taken might be right or wrong but we take full responsibility for it and live with it. When the decision comes out to be wrong, there are so many questions raised and we face all these questions with grace and humility without losing our confidence, we try to clear all doubts as to why we took the decision and why all other options didn’t make sense at the time. So point is, we take decisions and some are right and some are wrong, even in case of favourable outcomes, you would face critiques, who can easily give alternative theory which might have result in more favourable outcome but as a human we take our decisions based on factors and situation which matter at that time and we must be proud of that and never ever loose confidence in our self and face afterwards situation with confidence and humility. This doesn’t do any harm to us but add to our experience and confidence.



Samar Tomar

An entrepreneur, blogger, productivity hacker. I believe in observing my behaviour and emotions to learn mysteries of human kind, it is my journey to the wisdom