Part 1: Being entrepreneur is not easy, It sucks!
If you are not from a business family, choosing entrepreneurship is not easy and is full of difficulties. Being entrepreneur means you are never off duty, at least until you get some success. In entrepreneurship there is no concept of weekends, you have to work 24*7. If you are in a corporate job, funda is work hard on weekdays and party hard on weekends but being an entrepreneur mean work hard on weekdays and then work harder on weekends, don’t relax, keep working.
No Time for family
There is so much work in a startup that you hardly find time for your family, and if you find some time for the family, you won’t enjoy it completely as in back of your mind you always have some problem loops running continuously, which would keep bothering you. It might be some problem with product or something related to funding or if nothing else then entrepreneur always keep thinking on how to grow further, but your mind don’t let you concentrate fully on anything else.
It’s Stress full
Being entrepreneur is stress full, you have so many things to do and so many plans to make, you don’t have time to switch off your mind, the mind has to keep thinking all the time. There is hardly any relaxing moment, where you can sit calmly and close your eyes, the moment without expectations, the moment where you feel that you have achieved something and can relax and enjoy.
It can Spoil your health
Working hard all the time and being in stress creates a lot of health problems, your digestion system gets affected, suddenly you start feeling low in energy and you have to push yourself harder to work more. This type of lifestyle can create other serious health issues and its very important for us to control our stress level and take care of our health, otherwise we won’t able to work optimally for a long time.
When we see some successful entrepreneur, we see his success and his fame, nobody try to see the persistent hard work he put in and struggle he has gone through to reach this position. Nothing comes free; to achieve even a little success you have to work very hard!
also read part 2 of this article