The House of Hope

Tomasquintero V
6 min readFeb 23, 2024


Part 1

The meeting

This history starts in the animal shelter that is called “the house of the hope”, this house recibe millions of animals that search for an habitat or a place to live, this is the story of as tiny rabbit called Tomas, Tomas live with her parents Margot and Gustav but he prefers call his parent Gus and his mother mar, he has a good relationship with his parents and even though he does not have to many friends, he is happy in the place he lives.

One day a cat called Gabriela witch has a lot of white and black freackles, and absolutely no one has been available to whether it is white and some black freackles or black with some white freackles, it’s all a mystery, Gabriela approached to Tomas on a sunny day

hey there, I’ve seen you lately and I’ve noticed that you’re a playful rabbit” said Gabriela

with an smiley face, as Tomas does not has many friends, he saw this like a great opportunity to make a new friend

“thank you” Tomas answers

“I’m actually new in the shelter and I’m searching for a way to have fun” finished Tomas saying

Gabriela and Tomas had a rather strange connection, but what they don’t really now was that in the not too distant future they would be a fundamental part of each other’s lives.

Gabriela and Tomas with the passage of time became very close friends, if not the best friend all around the world, they go out every day and night. Until a duck surprisely came along with some giant, shiny wings called Mariana, unlike Gabriela and Tomas, she didn’t like to play, she have other primordial things to do like observe her shiny wings and praising herself, but for any stranger reason Gabriela found interesting the duck, but this is not something very relevant for Tomas because he knew that Gabriela is not going to leave him like some other animals did to him in the pass, at first Tomas didn’t like the duck, to be honest he hate it,

“how can you be friends of some one that doesn’t show how he really is?” Said Tomas with an alarming tone

“well he is interesting, why you don’t give to it a chance?” Gabriela answers

trying to be gently

“an opportunity!” Tomas exclaimed

“All I barely know about her its her name and her immensive self-love”

Tomas is very upset about this proposal

“oh and I also know that she don’t like to play”

he has to many things on mind, but the las one is go with the duck and try to be friends, but after a very long and bored but also interesting talk, Tomas ended up taking the proposal of trying to give the duck a chance and who would say, the duck Mariana and the rabbit Tomas became friends! Sometimes in the society we only see the external things that the others want to show us but in the reality inside we can be completely different people, results that the duck also has had fake friends and that’s the reason he shows like other person, that is strong and cares how others see her for the fear of rejection, the made a good friendship based on the love and sincerity of the other, the grew up together for a very long time, but like happens in many friendships there was no shortage of fights and the became more and more recurrent

“I can’t stand this anymore” said Tomas

but when he said that a human enters to the room and take his parents outside the shelter for an unknown purpose

Tomas shouted “don’t take my parents! What they do to you, they are just some innocent rabbits”

a door closes and her parents along with the human that came are in the other side of the mysterious door.

“What I suppose to do now!” Yelled the tiny rabbit

he felt smaller than ever

“now what I’m supposed to do” moaned the little rabbit

But out of nowhere the Mariana started quaking and flying anywhere and saying “let’s go to a new mission, we have to discover what’s happening in this place because something is very strange”

Mariana has a plan and between Tomas the rabbit and Gabriela the cat they are going to discover what is happening in the shelter


Part 2

The Discovery

And that’s how starts the jorney of this inseparable trio began,

“and now, where are we going” ask Gabriela

worried about they left home, now they are lonely in any unseen part of the shelter

“do you really know where are we going to?” Tomas Asked to Mariana

he can’t stand the loneliness he feels either

“what do you think, I’m a duck that really knows where its going” Mariana managed to say before shouting “look over there”

they quickly turned to look and they see a huge widow that they had never seen, the window reflected the duck pond, but if you go very close you can see a lot of computers, for them this was a new world, there were no humans in the room, so the decided to enter by a duct near to the strange room with computers and machines,

“everyone is fine” ask the stealthy and skill full cat

“mmm I think so”

Tomas the rabbit was not that stealthy like Gabriela but he can pass the duct, the other side was full of strange things that were never seen before “I’m scared” said Tomas, but he remember so quickly that the humans have his parents and he gained strength from where he didn’t have,

“I think that we are ready to see what the humans hide behind all this world” said Mariana

so they crossed the room full of technology and se the door

“are you ready” asked Gabriela to their friends

“more tan ever”

and the three friends pushed the door with all their strength and a petrificant light filled them completely.

Part 3

The escape

For tomas, his parents were everything, they were his safe place, where he laughed and cried and all the things he was experimenting were very shocking to him. No one expected what was behind the door,

“mom, dad!”yelled Tomas

behind the door, was a room filled with cages and a big sign that said

“Experimentation room”

In reality, the supposed shelter is actually a really huge animal testing center and the parents of Tomas are the next in the list, after getting upset Tomas, Mariana and Gabriela make a plan of scape, humans have not yet arrived and Mariana approaches to the cage of Gus and Mar and with his huge and shiny wings pushed and opened the cages of all the animals that were in te “Experimentation room”

everyone was leaping and flying until humans arrived, but there were many animals so they ran and pushed the guard, who was eating a donut and was dressed with a huge tight blue police clothes.

All animals could feel freedom but Tomas didn’t see Mariana

“And where is mariana?” He ask

“well what happen is that Mariana was captured for saving others lives, but don’t worry, she is happy that now we are all safe” said Gabriela

Tomas was not totally worried because he promised himself that someday he would come back for his real fiend to rescue her and Mariana, Tomas and Gabriela can continue with their lives

“well, that’s the end of it, isn’t it?” Ask Gabriela

”yes I think” sigh Tomas

the atmosphere was tense, but Tomas was no going to be separate from Gabriela so he take the decision to invited her to live with him and his parents until they rescue Mariana of that horrible place.


By: Tomas Quintero Velandiaa

