While on vacation

Tom Astley
2 min readMay 21, 2019


This was written about a year ago and now the site is live! Visit tangibletracks.com. We have more updates coming down the line including a recorder store locator and the ability to edit and add bands on the site.

In March I decided to take a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a week to get away from the city. Little did I know that I would have to deal with the onslaught of “Spring Breakers” clogging up the beaches and bars. If you want to feel old, go to Cabo on spring break, you’ll be cursing auto-tuned hip-hop and ironic offensive t-shirts. Despite the annoyance, I managed to find a little area by the pool where I could drink a few Modelos, read and listen to music. This is where I had an idea.

I’m a vinyl collector. Admittedly I got into collecting after it was cool. At the time I didn’t want to spend the money on a record player or records. This all changed when I bought the u-turn Audio Orbit Custom with a pair of Audioengine A5+ speakers. I was ready to go and join the hordes of hipsters in warm vinyl heaven! Except I didn’t have any records. This was quickly rectified when my lovely girlfriend bought me every Radiohead album for my birthday! Pyramid song never sounded so good.

After receiving the complete Radiohead collection was a series of purchases online and in the local record store which included Spiritualized — Ladies and Gentlemen We are Floating in Space, Pixies — Trompe Le Monde, Massive Attack — Blue Lines, God Speed You Black Emperor — Yanqui U.X.O, David Bowie — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, Granddaddy — The Sophtware Slump and many many more. It felt good to own something tangible and it certainly sounded wonderful.

I started to become a vinyl collector. Aside from the obvious listening enjoyment and appreciation for album art and liner notes, I found myself discussing records with fellow collectors. One question that commonly comes up is, “What records do you own?” I would answer, “Well, I have the entire Radiohead collection, and a bunch of other stuff new and old…I can’t recall at the moment, but I got some good stuff”. I have a less than stellar memory and own enough records now that I struggle to provide a decent list of what I actually own.

As I lay down on the beach recliner looking out into the ocean dotted with drunk spring breakers the idea for Tangible Tracks emerged. A website for the collector, music lover and all around nerd. I am aware of Discogs and others before you ask. This is my take on a music site, another hobby.

Thank you, Cabo. Thank you, Modello. Let’s get started!

