10 Ways to Help Your Child with Auditory Processing Disorder

Tomatis® Australia
3 min readJun 15, 2022


You undoubtedly have a lot of questions if your child has auditory processing disorder (APD). The most crucial question of all is, “How can I assist?” It’s something we’ve heard from many frightened parents. It can be really aggravating. You know your child can hear, yet it appears that she/he can’t. That is what can happen in a child who has auditory processing disorder (APD), also known as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD).

What Is Auditory Processing Disorder?

A child with APD’s brain struggles to receive and process sounds correctly, particularly the sounds that make speech. Your youngster may appear to have a hearing loss, but this is not necessarily the case. It’s as though a gap exists between the ears and the brain. She hears what you say, but she doesn’t always understand it. A student with APD is analogous to an old computer with a powerful new processor. Neither the ancient computer nor the child with APD are capable of keeping up. The data is entered, but once there, it cannot be processed fast or efficiently. And in both circumstances, the end effect is extreme frustration. Auditory Processing Disorder Symptoms Symptoms of auditory processing impairment can range from mild to severe and vary from child to child. An audiologist will diagnose APD, but the kid may exhibit several of the following symptoms.

  1. In busy, noisy environments, he/she may have difficulty hearing.
  2. 2. He/She may regularly request that you repeat yourself.
  3. 3. He/She can appear to be inattentive or easily distracted.
  4. 4. He/She has trouble following instructions.
  5. 5. He/She may experience noticeable speech difficulties.
  6. 6. He/She may appear to have heard you even though she hasn’t.

These suggestions may assist you in making your lesson periods more productive and enjoyable for both you and your child.

  1. Slowly and properly enunciate your words. Pausing while giving directions can also assist your child in processing what you’re saying.
  2. Allow for “lag time” while your child absorbs what you’ve spoken. Allow a few seconds for your remarks to soak in before expecting a reaction or moving on.
  3. Be brief and to-the-point; avoid lengthy speech explanations. Give straightforward directions, one step at a time. Instructing your child to “clean up your room, put on your jammies, and brush your teeth” may be too much for your child.
  4. Work in a peaceful environment with few distractions. Listening and processing are difficult enough for a child with APD; distractions make it virtually impossible.
  5. Holding lessons during your child’s optimal time of day will improve concentration and reduce “meltdowns.”
  6. As you speak, make sure your toddler can see your mouth. This is especially crucial if she has a tendency to mix together similar-sounding terms. Because the ears and brains of APD students do not communicate adequately, watching your mouth will assist bring everything back into sync. When the brain receives visual signals in addition to auditory cues, the sounds become “crisper.”
  7. As much as possible, show visually rather than tell.
  8. Oral explanations are substantially less effective than visual demonstrations. If your APD child is having difficulty learning a new concept or skill, try teaching them using a visual presentation.
  9. Don’t overburden your child. When children with auditory processing difficulties don’t understand something, they can become disruptive or argumentative. If your child becomes upset and you suspect a meltdown is on the way, go back to a point in the lesson where your child is more at ease. When your child appears to be ready, try presenting the new information again.
  10. Consistent and continuous review promotes success, especially for APD students. Make sure to include review in your classes every day to maintain consistent improvement. As an APD learner, your child will confront numerous hurdles, but there is hope. You can assist your child in overcoming these problems by implementing some of the methods listed above during instructional periods.

Contact Tomatis® Method Australia to know more about auditory processing disorder therapy in Sydney.



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