Numbers, values, psychology

Toma Velev
3 min readMar 28, 2019


The economical value that a thing has depends on the number of users. Without any users, if a thing is used by non or by just you or up to 10 people — generally nobody will give a damn about you or what you are focused on. Even if you charge million dollars, you will probably not have enough clients and if you cost sufficiently small enough — you again need user base to be able to live from something.

Fortunately or maybe unfortunately — that is the algorithm of most social medias and sites with a lot of users. A thing that is liked, shared, commented is considered by the algorithm more “valuable”, more “important”, more meaningful. This is the reason why marketers create games, try to trick you to do something on their content. This is the hack — manipulating people to interact — and in the majority — meaninglessly. This creates very non-human platform where the content on the top is the more trivial, everyday, the one that triggers feelings, or even a worm on the fishing hook. Ask yourself in how much is that information important.

If a thing has enormous user base — more than million — it even could be free for the mass user, and the user himself to be sold. Too many examples in the last 10 years.

This creates external pillars of control. External entities of control that are not regulated, have relatively nobody to stand up to. In most of the Internet platforms today — This is the ownership of the message transportation channel itself. Somebody or some algorithm decides how much of your stuff goes through the “pipe”.

Control, the direction that a person or a group could give to the bigger group of individuals is what makes business possible in long term. Power acquires more power, money gathers more money through the system that the people accept, a single disease creates more collateral sicknesses, and of course — healthy ways inductively strengths all the body, the majority of the population etc.

Whatever you do — programming, repairing, building, curing diseases, driving, playing sports, teaching, in today’s world, you have to practice (maybe even without knowing that you do it) psychology to improve — yourself, why and how you do the things you do — your relations with all the layers of the system, to reach better or higher role in the chain. You must use the bugs in the system — because it will squeeze you otherwise — bugs are the attachment to the abstractions — like the numbers, or the need of written words for something to be real for the matrix.

I consider more and more of my own thoughts vague and unpractical in today’s world terms of values for the human society, because they are mostly in my head, and even if some of them are not in my mind only — the existence, the touchable, meaningful, essence of every single person is what they DO in practice and what are the intentions. Self-centering is vague metric. You may consider yourself — the best, the most, the first, and whatever exaggerations you can think (and a lot of people are using such close to not true statements as a marketing strategy), but what you do is what will stay after you — have you saved lives or time, helped people, have you improved others without expectation, have you planted literally and metaphorically the stuff — that will be used to develop others.

The whole idea of the requirement of a measurement in the human society creates a little bit distorted and perverted reality of what is important in the world. If you want to do anything and not fail, you have to trick the people to your “thing” somehow or you will not be able to do whatever you do too long. As the number of users grows, more choices arise and you are not alone in this pool of attention grabbing.

The whole idea that something like the time and the life of an individual itself is measurable in whatever scale, in whatever currency, is perverted. The human mind is so wrapped up in illusions that a piece of paper (sometimes even not exactly money) could make other person decide if he will act with the best of himself or not.

That is an unfix-able bug in the human psychology — the free choice — it is too unpredictable, too undefined. No natural artificial system could make absolutely all individuals be obedient and that is both good and bad — subjective again — slave to the human mind.

